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age: 19

Height: 5,8

Likes: Books, sleeping

Dislikes: assholes, cold weather, school

Occupation: student

Personality: sassy, very open to new things, always puts others' needs before herself.

Appearance: tallish for a woman, dark brown hair and brown eyes.


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age: 6,2

Height: 6'2

likes: Power, Nyx

Dislikes: Humans, Others near Nyx, hates his brother

Type of demon: Incubus

Occupation: Prince of Demons

Personality: arrogant, possessive, and power-hungry. lustful around those he is attracted to. Such as his mate Nyx. thinks that he would be a better king. He is set to take what he thinks is rightfully his.

Appearance: tall, has blond hair and golden eyes. His horns are ram-like and black.

Backstory: Hardly anything is known about him, only that he is the 2nd eldest Prince of demons, and that his family overthrew the previous rulers a decade ago. He desires to make Nyx his queen once he unlocks the power, and intends to make her his mate his.


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age: 21

Height: 6'4

Likes: Reading and Nyx

Dislikes: Being told what to do, spicy foods,cold weather

Type of demon: Incubus

Previous Occupation: Prince of Hell

Occupation: Assassin

Personality: extremely possessive. He is vengeful, cold, short-tempered, but has a soft spot and can be very teasing towards his mate. He also can be very lustful towards her but tries to hold his urges back.

Appearance: extremely tall. He has black hair, fair skin, and red eyes. He is usually seen wearing black. His horns are black.

Backstory: What we know about Draven is that he is the rightful heir to the throne. His family was overthrown and killed. He was thought to be dead along with the rest of his family but managed to escape. It is known that he was once best friends with Akryn, but now hates him, seeing as Akryn is now loyal to the fake Prince. Other than that, not much is known about him.


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Age: 22

Height: 5'11

likes: Cold weather, dark skies, sleeping

Dislikes: Carelessness, Cowardice, betrayal

Type of demon: Half Ice demon, Half-Human

Occupation: Royal Spy/ Guard

Personality: cold personality, he shows more heart and cares for humans than others. He dislikes traitors and cowards and does not care for those who are careless. He has a lazy side, seeing as he constantly falls asleep. When it comes to his mate, he seems almost conflicted with his feelings. He loves her. He loves the night. does not wish to betray his loyalty to Lucien.

Appearance: average height. He is tan, with dark brown hair, and golden eyes. It is unknown what his horns look like, due to him never showing them. He has them but refuses to show that side of him for unknown reasons. He is usually seen wearing darker clothing.

Backstory: There is little known about him, but what we do know is that he was once best friends with Draven himself, but now no longer is and labels him as a traitor to his people. He came from a Human mother and a Demon father. He is Lucien's most faithful and trusted guard and intends to keep it that way .


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Age: 20

Height: 6'0

Likes: Nyx, cold weather.

Dislikes: Most Humans. Being forgotten, Lucien

Type of demon: Shadow demon

Occupation: Infiltrator, Guard.

Personality: a sly, mischievous, and possessive nature. However, around his mate, he is quite kind, calm, and sweet to her. will not hesitate to harm or kill someone if he feels that someone is trying to take his mate from him. Including Draven, the man he has sworn his loyalty to. Light seems to be a weakness for him.

Appearance: average height for a demon. He has white hair and ice-blue eyes. His horns are dark blue and are usually seen wearing dark blue , with pale skin.

Backstory: Not much is known about his past except that he is loyal to Draven and great friends with him. He also seems to have a connection to Nyx. He is a fake guard to Lucien as well, only using him to gain information. He has an air of mystery surrounding him and intends to keep it that way for as long as he wants.

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