7: I'm a what?

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"The purpose of life is a life with a purpose. So I'd rather die for a cause, than live a life that is worthless." – Immortal Technique

Nyx pov:

" You kidnap me and tell me not to worry? "Seriously?"

"Just be quiet will ya? I told you that you're going to find out. Just be patient, seriously."

I never got a good look at the demon's face, and currently, he was carrying me over his shoulder. like a sack of potatoes. The only thing I could see was his ass and the view of the forest behind him.

"Can you at least tell me where you're taking me? At least tell me that much" I asked him, slightly annoyed with his attitude. "Sorry princess, can't tellyouthat. Someone may hear and find us. I can't have that now, can I?" I just want to go home and sleep...

"Relax princess, I'm not gonna hurt ya. As I said, I practically saved you. The place I'm taking you to will take about a day or two to get there. So just try to relax until then" I stayed quiet, too tired and exhausted to argue, regardless if I believed him or not.

Dravens pov:

A few hours later I noticed she was being really quiet. "Hey, you ok back there? You haven't said anything in a while." I carefully put my girl down, noticing she had fallen asleep. "That explains it...fine. You can sleep for a few minutes."

I sat down and placed her head on my lap, letting my girl rest in a more comfortable position, than let her sleep on the hard, cold ground. She started to move around and mumbled something in her sleep. I noticed, and carefully tried to listen to what she was saying.

"I thought I could trust you... Don't leave me... not again..." She must be having a nightmare. I carefully shook my girl.

Nyx pov:

"Hey, princess, wake up" I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at the demon.

Suddenly, I came to my senses and slapped him across the face. He grabbed his face and stared at me in shock, then proceeded to yell at me. "What the fuck woman?! What the hell was that for?!" I yell back at him. "That was for kidnapping me you damn pervert! Why was my head on your lap?!"

"Would you rather sleep on the ground?!"

"well... how do you know that i don't have a secret obsession and love to sleep on the ground!? huh????"

"Tch, whatever, let's just go. we should be there in about twelve hours. No complaining this time. Now, I can either pick you up again, or you can follow me. Well, you could also just leave, but since you don't know your way in this forest, you'll most likely come into contact with an animal or beast and get yourself killed. " I huffed but followed him anyway. Thinking it is best to not make this demon angry, given the flames I saw him create from when he kidnapped me.

"How do you know they won't find us? " I ask him. "Well, no one has ever found us before, besides this place... is a very special one that only I know about."

"whatever, if you get caught it's your own damn fault"

Throughout the rest of the trip, Draven was quiet. I followed behind and kept wondering why I was here in the first place. I also wondered about the other two demons I had met and was curious to know if they too, both knew the reason I was kidnapped. We arrived at what looked like a nice cabin in a darker part of the woods.

"We're here, now let's go inside princess." Draven then took my hand and led me inside, where I would soon know the truth. I walked inside, through the cold cabin, it was dark and dreary. Unknowingly I grasped the demon's hand tighter. Draven took notice of this and raised an eyebrow, asking me, "Is something wrong?"

"oh yes, everything is perfectly fine. Well, despite the fact that it looks like I'm in a place where someone could jump out and kill me any second, other than that, I'm fine."

"It's fine princess, I've told you this before." He let go of my hand and quickly called out to someone who wasn't there, or at least that I could not see. "Malik, I know you're here. I'm not stupid, show yourself now." No answer

I Looked at Draven and proceeded to look around the room. "Malik? Who is that? I don't see anyone here." I ask him. Not even sparing me a glance, he told me. "He's a friend, and I know he's here. I can smell that sly bastard." Suddenly a man, with white hair and bright blue eyes emerged from the shadows.

"Calm down Draven, I was just trying to have some fun. There's nothing wrong with that." The man who I assumed was Malik spoke, then looked towards me. "I see you brought the girl? Good. Were you followed?"

"From what I can tell, no. But we should stay on guard. Knowing Lucien and Akryn they'll try to find out where m- the girl is. But for now, I think we're safe" Draven replied to the man, then turned towards me "Since we are in a safer place now, I can answer some of your questions about why you're here."

"i want to know what you want with me. i'm tired of not getting any answers.'' I say tierdly.

"Alright then. We shall do our best to answer everything" Malik pulled out a chair for me to sit down. "You may want to sit down for this, It may take a while." I complied, sitting down and waiting for them to answer me. Draven was the first to speak.

"To put it short. You are a vessel " I sat there, taken back by his words "I'm a vessel? what do you mean?" Malik looked at me and sighed.

"It's as exactly as he says. You, Miss Nyx, are a vessel, and what you hold is a key. It's not the kind of key in which you think. It's not a small object that unlocks doors. No, You, Nyx hold the key which will give any demon in our world, an ancient power. With this kind of power, they would be extremely dangerous. In fact, It was locked away inside the humans of the Dolivo bloodline for hundreds of years. Demons have been tracking you and your ancestors for centuries now. You, unfortunately, were found and dragged into this mess."

"That's why I'm here? to help you regain this power?"

Draven looked at me when I spoke, he crouched down to my level and looked me in the eyes. "No, we're not using you. Not even close. Lucien was the one who wanted to use you. We are protecting you. Our kingdom was already overthrown a decade ago by Lucien and his family. Since then, the entire kingdom has been in utter chaos. If Lucien got his hands on that kind of power, All the realms, including the human world, would be at stake. You see, Lucien is upset because his eldest brother is in line to become the next king. If Lucien gets his hands on this kind of power, he won't care if he's not the king of Hell. That and even though we're demons we're not monsters. We're not going to let someone just use a human for mere power. The power that can put all life at stake. Don't you see? We're protecting you, not trying to harm you." he's so close...

"I see... so you're going to protect me?"

Draven chuckled and got back up. Malik walked over to me. Looking at me in the eyes. His playful demeanor turned into a dark and serious one. "Nyx" He asked me, no sound of happiness in his voice. "We answered all we could for now, but it's our turn to ask you a question" I stared back into his cold, blue eyes and said with a stern tone in my voice. "Which is?"

"Do you remember us?"

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