12: Weird dream

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"I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun." ― Billy Joel

Nyx pov:

As i nodded off i heard a voice... " i wnat to make one thing fucking clear. the only one killing Lucien , is me" Fortunately for me, i had no more encounters with the Prince and woke up the next morning. i headed downstairs to Draven and wanted to ask him about food. When I entered the living room, I was met with Draven who was sitting on an old chair, reading. "Um, Draven..?" He noticed me, and put down his book, looking at me. "Yes? Ya need something princess?"

"Yeah, I'm a little hungry...I haven't eaten anything since I got here..." Sighing he got up. "That's right. Humans are more fragile than us. We're planning on changing locations anyway. Can you hold on for a few more hours? There's not much food that's edible for humans here. " I gave him a confused look and sighed. "I can try to deal with it. Do you at least have water or something? I need something to drink at least." He chuckled and went over to the kitchen.

"Of course. Humans can have that. " He grabbed what looked like a small cup and poured some water into it. He handed me the cup and I gladly took it with a "thank you". I drank the water, though it left a bad taste in my mouth. "S-So, you said that we were changing locations? Where to? "

"I can't say where, but it's somewhere safe. I figured we'd leave this morning. I've already talked it over with Malik, he says he'll meet up with us later." I put down the cup and stared at Draven in curiosity. "Hey...I have a question about you both. What did Malik mean when he asked if I remember you two?"

"That uh...I'll tell you about that later princess. Let's just go for now." He grabbed my hand and headed out towards our new location. "how can I trust you when you keep something like that from me?"... Draven ignored me and continued to drag me throughout the forest.

"I know this is supposed to be Hell, but like....where's the fire, and screams of people being tortured.?" Draven's eye twitched and deeply sighed, irritated at my question. "Because princess, Hell isn't just tortured souls, It's where we demons live. Some humans become demons when they die, some can turn into them during life, possessed forever by one, and then there are the pureblood demons and the half-blood demons. There is another part of our realm where souls of humans that were terrible in life are tortured...but it's much darker and more terrible than a world of fire."

"Oh, so it isn't just a place of fire and torture? Good. So, I have another question Draven-"

"Are we playing twenty questions now princess?"

"No, we're playing as many questions as I want smart-ass"


I sighed and continued "So, there are different types of demons, right? Are there other things besides demons? Like other creatures?"

"There are. Werewolves, ghosts, and like that. Not everything though. Though those things, vampires, they're real and they're not sparkling creatures as I saw in your human movies. They'll bite you or rip your throat out. Depending on their mood that day that is." I laughed at his bluntness. He could come off as rude sometimes but could tell he had good intentions. he's blunt, yet he's sweet.

After a few hours, we arrived at two strange-looking trees."Draven? What are we doing here?" Draven did not reply to me yet he spoke.


A bright blue light appeared between the two trees. Draven held onto my hand tighter and spoke once again.

"Let's go"

we stepped into the portal, for a bit everything became fuzzy and suddenly my eyes became clearer. "Where are we?" I asked.

"I'm disappointed princess, I figured that you of all people would be able to recognize your own world"

"wait, what?!"

im home??

"You're back in you're human world, but not in the same town or country for that matter"

"Wait, what?! And wait, I just realized...your horns? They're gone?! " He sighed and shook his head, grabbing my hand once more and headed off in another direction with me. "Wait, where are we going now? You have to at least answer my questions!!!"

"I can hide my horns, like any demon. I'm taking you to my home here. Don't ask why I have a home in a human realm, it's too convoluted for you to even understand. I took you somewhere besides your hometown and country because it'll be harder to track you, and no one knows of this place. There, I answered them, now let's go. I can hear your stomach growling "

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