15: possessed

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"I don't want to be in love but you're makin' me." ― Jonny Lang

Nyx pov:

I kept quiet but looked at him curiously. Draven looked at me, trying his best to not look worried but I could tell.

"It's Akryn. Go find somewhere to hide" He whispered. I looked at him, confused. "But...he's a demon, won't he smell me?" He flashed a quick smile and handed me a small bracelet. "Put it on," He said. "It keeps demons from tracking your scent." I did as I was told and put on the bracelet.

"Did it work?" I asked. "I can't smell your scent, so I suppose it did. Good. Now, go hide and be quiet. Don't come out for any reason, unless I tell you too." I nodded and hid under the bed, watching as Draven left the room and shut the door behind him, leaving me alone in the dark. this is my life now i guess... I hope he'll be okay...

I stayed quiet the entire time. The room was dark and the entire house was eerily quiet. The tension however was high. At any moment I knew I would hear something. The only thing I could do was hope that he wouldn't find me. Though I had a feeling he would. Isn't under the bed the first place people check? Maybe demons are different? I thought.

Suddenly I heard a loud boom from the living room, followed by a scream. That had to be Draven!

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I heard a voice yell. That has to be Akryn...but his voice sounds even more...demonic. I know he's a half-blood, but...his voice, It sounds different from the last time I heard him. Something isn't right.

"I TOLD YOU I DON"T KNOW DAMN IT! SOME BASTARD TOOK HER BEFORE I EVEN GOT HERE!" I heard the sound of glass breaking followed by a loud thud. What the hell is going on?... waiting here is starting to piss me off...

"How about you stay down like a good little prince? Bastard." I heard Akryn say. "COME OUT COME OUT FROM WHEREVER YOU ARE! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE NYX!! I'M NO FOOL!!"

I remembered Draven's words "Go hide and be quiet. Don't come out for any reason, unless I tell you too." I stayed right where I was. If worse came to worse, I would try to escape out the window if I had to. I listened carefully and heard no footsteps. I remembered that the window was right by the bed.

We're on the bottom floor, so jumping out won't be much of a problem. If I escape and if this so-called magic bracelet keeps working...I can leave and he won't be able to track me down. I know I should listen to what Draven said, but I will get caught if I don't do something! The problem is, how far will I get?


That's something I'll have to risk! I got out from under the bed and went towards the window quietly. Here goes nothing!

I opened the window as quietly as I could and jumped out. The air was cold and it shocked my skin. Without looking back I ran off in a different direction towards the town.

I'm sorry, Draven, but I can't risk it...


Where the Hell am I now? I looked around at my surroundings, unfamiliar with the area. The signs were in the same language I spoke so I assumed that I was somewhere that spoke the same language as me. I looked around again and saw no sign of Akryn.

OH GOD, WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA DO NOW?! Wait...maybe just maybe...That's it!

I noticed an elderly woman in front of me and walked up to her. "Excuse me, ma'am? Sorry to bother you, but could you tell me where I am? My friend dropped me off here and told me to wait on her until she got back, and she didn't tell me where I was going."

The woman noticed me and replied to me. "Oh, that's terrible to hear dear. You're in Manchester, England. I'm surprised you didn't know, dear." I thanked her and left.

Don't panic Nyx! it's not like you're in a different country... or town...lost! Oh wait! I am!

I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. "You fucking moron. I told you not to go anywhere until I told you!" I turned around and noticed the familiar angry red-eyed demon

"Draven?!" Oh, he was pissed and I knew it. "Shut up...let's go back..damn it." He grabbed my hand and led me back to the apartment. He didn't utter a word to me or even look me in the eye. How did he even find me?

"Why are you taking me back there?! If you were really concerned about my safety you wouldn't take me back to a place where we just got attacked!" I yelled. He pinned me up against a tree "Just shut up! You know you could have gotten yourself killed! Do you not realize how reckless you were! I had it under control!" He yelled back. I got a better look at his face, and figure. His shirt was covered in blood, and he had a large gash under his eye.


"Not now Nyx! If it wasn't for me picking up your scent I would have never found you! That bastard could have hurt you!" I froze. Wait...no, he's lying. Draven couldn't have picked up my scent. The bracelet....unless..oh shit!

He noticed I stopped talking. "Why are you staring at me?" I looked at his eyes, they didn't look right, almost, empty. Then I realized.

"Let me go, Akyrn." He smirked, turning back into his normal self, showing his brown hair and the gold eyes I remembered. "You're not going anywhere shorty. The only place you're going, Is with me" shit....

"What did you do to Draven?"

"You'll go whether you want to or not" I saw him slip something in his mouth. Before I could speak he had lips pressed on mine. I felt him push a warm liquid into my mouth. He pulled away and my body started to feel heavy. "Getting sleepy, are we? Good. Rest well, little dove." I shut my eyes and everything went dark, only one thought running through my mind. Draven, please be alive...

I woke up in a room I was all too familiar with. Damn...Looks like I'm back in this hellhole again...

"I see you've woken up sweetheart" I looked up and noticed the tall demon at the end of my bed.


He flashed me a sly smile. "I told you before sweetheart, it's no use, you can't escape me." I growled at the male. "fuck you!"

"Feisty as always I see" I ignored his comment. "What did you do with the other three?! Tell me!"

"Don't tell me you're actually worried about those idiots? If you really want to know I guess I can tell you. Your little friend, Draven, is most likely dead. Your guard, Akryn, had been possessed. I was gonna have him killed but, I think I'll spare his pathetic life and keep him like this. Oh and about the last one..." I heard a blood-curdling scream from below me. "That was Malik. He's in the torture chamber's " my eyes widened in disbelief. "N-No... please...."

"Oh? You're begging? I'll make you a deal. If you promise to not escape me again and be a good girl and do as you're told...I won't let Malik die, and I'll think about freeing Akryn of his possession and give him another chance. What do you say? "

"What's the catch...that seems too easy." He laughed. "You're right I do want one more thing in exchange" I looked at him, curiously. "What's that?" "

"You have to kiss me"

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