8: Nightmare

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"I'm not afraid to take a stand. Everybody, come take my hand. We'll walk this road together,   through the storm. Whatever weather, cold or warm. Just let you know that you're not alone."      - Eminem

Maliks pov:

"Do you remember us?" was the question I asked her.

"No, I don't... I'm really sorry Malik. If it makes you feel better, you do seem familiar to me."

I smiled at her words, a little saddened that she does not remember me, but isn't shocked. "That is enough for me, Miss Nyx. You should get some rest now, we will keep an eye out and take the measures we need if we are found."

Luciens pov:

It's not just that power I want Nyx...It's her as well. I will make her mine.

Nyx pov:

"Do you remember us?" ...

"No, I don't... I'm really sorry Malik. If it makes you feel better, you do seem familiar to me." He smiled at my words, a little saddened that I don't remember him, but wasn't shocked.

"That is enough for me, Miss Nyx. You should get some rest now, we will keep an eye out and take the measures we need if we are found."


Draven grabbed my hand and led me into a beautiful bedroom upstairs where I would be staying. "My room is next to yours. So, if you need anything tell me. Malik's is downstairs. If you hear anything, let one of us know."

"I will"

"Goodnight, princess" He let go of my hand and left the room, closing the door behind him. I looked around the room and saw a small change of clothes sitting on the bed, with a note attached to it.

I brought you a set for sleeping and another set for the daytime from the human world. There's a bathroom on your left in your room if you haven't noticed it already. Knowing you, you probably haven't seen it. Get a bath or shower, I don't care which. I also placed a book by your nightstand in case you can't sleep. Get some rest princess.


that's really sweet of him!! I walked into the bathroom, remembering the previous events from earlier. That asshole, I touch my lips, remembering my encounter with Lucien. He's gonna pay the next time I see him...It's strange, I can't get him off my mind for some reason...

I stepped into the bath, and sat down, and enjoyed the warm water. A vessel huh? This has to be some sick and twisted dream. It seems so real though...Demons...they really exist, don't they? I closed my eyes and thought about the four I had met so far. Will there be any others I meet? Hopefully not...

Malik seems to know me, if so, then why can't I remember him? I got out of the bath, and went into the bedroom, changing into the pair of clothes Draven had brought me. I couldn't help but feel as though someone was watching me the whole time. "Malik? Draven? Is that you? " No answer... Sighing, I finished getting dressed and ready for bed. Maybe I'm just paranoid...

I walked over to the bed and noticed the book that Draven has left me. "Guess I can read for a bit to calm my nerves. I don't have anything else to do..."

I got into bed, opened the book, and started reading. Occasionally I would hear cracks and pops in my room, I shook it off as nothing more than the cabin settling or the fact that it was most likely an old place. A little while later, I was finally starting to doze off...so...sleepy...


Where Am I? I was in a dark and abandoned town it seemed. "Hello? Is anyone here?"

I wandered the streets of the old town, looking for any sign that someone was living there, but was unable to find anyone. What a weird dream...it's like I have no control over it. The feeling that I was being watched came back, only this time I could hear someone following me. This turned into a nightmare real quick...

I ran as fast as I could, hoping that whatever was following me, would lose track of me. The footsteps got louder and louder, followed by an animalistic growl from close behind. Shit! Ok maybe if I try hard enough I can make it stop? I mean I should have control over my own dream or nightmare...right? I tried to change my nightmare, but it seemed to get worse. Then I heard a voice, one I knew all too well.

"I found you, Did you really think you could escape me?" oh fuck...

"Lucien You asshole!" He chucked, and wrapped his arms around my waist "Watch your tongue sweetheart, have you already forgotten who you're talking to?"

"Why the hell are you in my dream?! Well, thanks to you it's a fucking nightmare now!"

"Are you that naive? Now, Now, sweetheart. I can understand you not wanting to believe we exist, but I'm certain humans have knowledge on what kind of demons there are. Think love, what kind of demons can enter a human's dream?" Then it hit me, I remembered what Akryn had said to me about Lucien while he was taking me to the courtyard...

​​​​​​"Lucien, for example, is an Incubus..."

"Oh..." "I finally said, earning a sly grin from the male. "So you figured it out finally? Do you really think I just kissed you because I find you attractive? Well I mean, I do, but that's not the reason dear, Tell me do you know how incubi can enter a human's dream?"

​​​​​​ "How...? Can't you just...I don't know? Do it?" He shook his head and let out a laugh. "Ha! I wish it was that easy! But no love, this is how. Hold still... " He placed his lips on mine, giving me a kiss. I stood there, frozen. I tried everything to slap him or get away, but it was almost like my body was paralyzed. "I have to give the human some sort of intimate contact..." He stared at me and noticed I was struggling to get away."Can't move? Oh, don't worry, that's supposed to happen."

"Get away from me!"

He rolled his eyes and let out another chuckle. "As I said, watch your tongue. You're talking to a prince. "

"Like hell, I will!"

He rolled his eyes again and spoke in a calmer tone. "Relax love, I don't mean you any harm. I just want my beautiful queen back. Besides, if I was going to do something, I would have already done it, sweetheart."

I looked appalled at the male, wanting to hurt him in every way, but failed to do so.

I finally spoke, "I really don't believe you. Besides, I already know why you want it, and it fucking disgusts me! " He chuckled darkly " Oh? Why is that love? Do tell me."

"I'm just a vessel for your sick and twisted fantasy asshole. So drop the whole calm and concerned act for your 'queen' as soon as you're done getting that power, you'll have no use for me and kill me you Fucker " His smile faltered, turning into a frown. He growled slightly, angry at what I said.

"what? Am I wrong?"

"oh, you're so wrong, love, well half of that was wrong. Very wrong, my love. I do want that power, so fucking bad, but I'm not going to kill my beloved mate after I get it. I could never bring myself to hurt you"

"I'm your what?!"

"I said, you're my mate, Nyx. I do want that power, but I'm not going to kill you once I get it, love." He took his hand, and placed it on my cheek, stroking it with his thumb. "Now, be a good girl and tell me where you are sweetheart. I want to bring you back where you belong"

"No way am I doing that! I don't even know where I am! Even If I did I wouldn't tell you! Just because you said that about me being your mate, doesn't mean I believe you. Besides, let's say what you're telling me is the truth. What makes you think I'd want to be with someone like you?!"

He looked furious at me, and demanded once more that I tell him where I'm at. "Tell me now. Where are you at. I control your dreams dear, you're not going anywhere until I'm satisfied with your answer. What place are you in, what do your surroundings look like?"

I laughed at him. "Like I'm dumb enough to tell you!" He sighed, trying to calm himself. "Very well Nyx..." He flashed me his signature smirk, one that showed mischievous intent and something else behind it. He looked me in the eyes and got closer to my face. He stroked my cheek, again and again, staring at me.

"Um...what are you doing...? You're being weird...and creepy..."

"Oh don't worry dear, I have....other ways of getting what I want." He got closer and closer to my face, right before he could close the gap between us, I was startled awake by someone shaking me.

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