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Draco was unusually nervous as he walked up the steps. Time seemed to slow around him with each nervous footfall. He started to reach up towards the dark door knocker, waiting to grasp the cool metal in his hand, only to realise that he had begun reaching out far too early and he still had half of the steps left while his arm was lifted towards the air.

He felt like a right idiot.

Eventually, he only had one step left in front of him before he was face to face with the door. A brass number twelve that looked like it hadn't been shined in years peering down at him, almost daring him to mess up on this last section.

Which he did.

He managed to trip over his own feet and stumbled forward, trying to catch himself with his hands on the door only to push it open and end up sprawled across the welcome mat.

'Well done Malfoy,' he thought to himself, trying to brush the dusty marks off his trousers as he stumbled to his feet, 'you're turning into a klutz.' He awkwardly stepped into the hallway of the house, straightening his back as he held onto the remains of his dignity, "hello?" He called out, "Ree?"

Draco had to admit, he was excited to see Harry. He had the rest of their evening planned out. Even though the two had only gone on a couple of dates, he wanted to ask the man to be his boyfriend. He was almost completely sure that he would say yes. He'd said yes to some of Draco's other stupid ideas so what was another?

"Ree?" He called out again, slightly louder. That nickname happened to be one of Draco's many stupid ideas. When Harry had tiredly mumbled 'Dray' instead of Draco's actual name, Draco had tried to hide the flustered look on his face from the endearing name by blurting out the first thing that came to his mind. He still didn't know why Harry had turned the brightest shade of red from that name that Draco had ever seen but he was still smiling when Harry said that he kinda liked it.

"In here!" Came a reply, finally.

Draco slowly started to make his way towards where he thought the reply came from, his heart hammering out of his chest. Harry had mentioned that he lived with his Godfather and his husband and Draco may see them at some point that day and the thought of meeting Harry's parental figures was making his fingers shake in a very un-Malfoyishly way.

"Ree?" He spoke one more time as he turned the doorknob and entered the room, "why on earth wasn't your front door shut, any random person could just go wandering into your house and-" his voice trailed off as he saw who was in the room and it wasn't his Harry.

"Hello," the person spoke, "I think I should be the one to comment on random people walking into my house. How may I help you?"

Draco had no idea who this man was as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. He had brown curly hair that he had somehow managed to contain to just the top of his head and amber eyes that seemed to stare straight into Draco's soul. He didn't say anything for a moment before he realised that the man opposite him was waiting for his reply.

He swallowed, hating how his throat crackled as he squeaked, "Ree?"

"Yes?" The man spoke, raising an eyebrow at the riveting conversation.

"You're," Draco didn't know why he was struggling at putting words together, "you're not my Ree."

"No," the corners of the man's lips twitched upwards just a slight, "no I'm not."

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