Sacred Twenty-Eight

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I took a liberty with the sacred twenty-eight. I know the Potters weren't in it but I'm the one that is writing it. Also kind of inspired by a book called 'Oh God Not Again' by Sarah1281 s0 I'd recommend reading that.

Excited chatter filled the classroom as the students filed in. Professor Lupin's lessons were always interesting, no matter how boring the topic was. However, this was the History of Magic's N.E.W.T class, the students were in their sixth year. They had all chosen to take the subject either due to prospective jobs or a true enjoyment of the subject. That meant that, hopefully, this year they would be able to study as much as they could.

Professor Lupin strode into the classroom, a wide smile on his face as he flicked his wand and the door shut behind him. He immediately perched on his — rather empty — desk and grinned at them, "fifty points to Ravenclaw and Slytherin," he announced, "for taking this dreadfully boring class." He grinned at the lot of them, spotting a young Ravenclaw boy at the back trying to stifle his giggles, "don't tell on me to McGonagall, okay?" He sent a look at one of the Slytherins, who was well known for tattling on everyone. Teachers included. He clapped his hands, "alright. Last year's rules continue. If you say Voldemort's name, you get five points. If you don't flinch or stutter then it's fifteen. If you try to get me off-topic by asking about my personal life, I will only be answering questions about my son. However, I promise you that I will make you late for your next three lessons if you do as Teddy is two months now and I miss him. Anything else?" He looked around at the group of giggling students, who had been surprised when he had disappeared immediately after their O.W.Ls with the announcement that he and his husband had had a child. They were still waiting for the pictures to come out. "Okay, first lesson. Now that you're all N.E.W.T students, you are allowed to learn about more prominent Wizard history, instead of Goblin and the like. So," he waved his wand at the blackboard as two words began to write out in chalk, "who can tell me anything about the sacred twenty-eight?"

Multiple hands shot up in the air, mostly from Ravenclaws while a few Slytherin students still found it embarrassing to voluntarily answer questions. Professor Lupin decided he'll try and break that habit soon. He decided to choose the one Ravenclaw whom he was sure knew the answer but just didn't want to say it, "Mister Porter?" He asked, "anything?"

The young boy, with curly blonde hair that hung in his eyes as he sent his best glare at the teacher, let out a sigh, "the sacred twenty-eight were a group, supposedly named by Cantankerous Nott, that were deemed 'truly pure-blooded' when it was written in the nineteen-thirties," he answered simply.

"And why, Mister Porter, is the idea of the sacred twenty-eight completely stupid?"

The young boy smiled, having heard his father's rants over the silly matter, "because it was decided in the nineteen-thirties, there's been plenty of times since then for the children to associate with half-bloods and muggle-borns so such an old decree is basically invalid now. Not to mention that some of the families have completely died out by now."

The professor smiled, "ten points to Ravenclaw. Now, despite the fact that most of the sacred twenty-eight are in complete shambles and more than half are dead, in Azkaban or married out of the family," he placed his hand on his chest happily, "the curriculum has decided that you have to learn all the names of the silly twenty-eight. So, we're going to learn them using a muggle thingy that I found out about ten minutes ago. Does anyone know what a mnemonic is?"

At the end of the lesson, the teacher laughed as he read some of the mnemonics that his students had handed in. None of them made quite sense but he was definitely going to enjoy watching them squirm as they try to remember them next lesson.

This was going to be an interesting topic.


"Angelic Attentive Bouncy Boring Bulbous Chilling Control Figures Grumpily Gently Lonely Lowers Moronic Marketable Nuts Once Planets Prune Purple Ravens." The Ravenclaw announced happily, his eyes trained on the back of the room as he recited the words.

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