A lot can change with just a hug

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Harry was not expecting to find a snake in his underwear drawer.

The death adder was curled around his boxers and was fast asleep, her tail flicking in the air every few seconds as she dreamed about something. She was a very rare snake, being bright green and all, and Harry only knew one person with such an obnoxiously expensive (not to mention venomous) snake. Draco Malfoy.

He glanced around the dormitory. Ron and Seamus were still asleep while Dean and Neville were in the common room already. He should be safe.

"Oi." He hissed, using the tip of his wand to poke the snake, "wake up."

The snake licked her lips and opened up one eye, staring lazily up at him, "warrrrrm," she hissed, stuffing her nose further into his drawer.

"Please get out of my underwear?" Harry spoke with a sigh, really hoping that no one would walk in to see him hissing at his pants, "you're not supposed to be here anyway? Shouldn't you be in the Slytherin dormitories?"

"I am," she replied lazily, licking her lips, "master Draco gave me such a nice terrarium. So warm," it was as if she hadn't realised she wasn't there anymore.

"You're not in a terrarium. You're in my underwear." Harry replied, exasperated.

The snake didn't say anything for a moment before her eyes flashed open and her head rose, "where am I? Where is master Draco? What am I doing here? I demand you take me to master Draco at once!" She tried to look commanding but Harry definitely heard fear in her voice. Well, fear in her hiss.

"Woah, woah, woah, lot's of questions." Harry spoke, "come on, I'll take you to Malfoy." He held out a hand and she looked at it warily, "I'm not going to bite."

"I will if you do anything suspicious," she warned but she slithered up his arm and onto his shoulders, very easily hiding in the collar of his robes. "No one will see me," she whispered into his ear.

Harry nodded and walked down the stairs into the common room, attempting — and failing — to escape unnoticed.

"Harry!" Hermione spotted him from his spot on the sofa and came running up to him, "you're up early, is everything okay?"

Harry nodded quickly, "uh, yeah. I'm just going to go on a walk around the castle to clear my head."

"I'll join you if you like?" Hermione offered, brushing her hair out of her face.

He shook his head, "thank you but I'd rather be alone at the moment. I'll meet you in the great hall," he waved goodbye and stepped out of the portrait hole.

He heard the snake hiss as he drew his robes around himself, a cold wind blowing through the hallway and sending a shiver down his spine, "everything okay?" He asked quietly to her. The hallways were all empty but he didn't want to take any risks if anyone heard him hissing to himself as he wandered the corridors.

"It's cold," she spoke back, rising up out of his robes to whisper it into his ear before she dove back into them and managed to find a warm spot between his shoulder blades, "you're warm," she murmured, "master Draco is warm."

Harry hummed, making his way towards the dungeons as he pulled the marauder's map out of his pocket, "what's your name?" He asked the snake, feeling bad that he had a creature wrapped around his body and he didn't even know what to call her.

"Niamh," her voice was soft, muffled slightly by Harry's clothes, "thank you for taking me back to master Draco, what is your name?"

Harry found Malfoy on the map, frantically walking back and forth in his dorm. He must have realised that Niamh was missing. "Harry Potter," he replied absently, staring at Malfoy's name.

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