The little scottish village

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Selkie!Draco Muggle(ish)!Au

Harry did not expect to find a beautiful stranger sitting on his doorstep when he got home from work.

It was a long day. After moving up from London to a small village in the north of Scotland, he soon found a job in a primary school as a teaching assistant. He enjoyed his job, that was true, but moving from a very dense place where no one knew him to a tightly-knit community where everyone knew his name as soon as he introduced himself to the first person was quite unnerving. Add to that, he was beginning to develop a headache after focusing on translating all their Scottish accents into the English language and he just wanted to go to bed.

"Uh, hello?" He spoke cautiously as the man stood up on his doorstep, blocking the way, "can I help you?"

The man smiled a soft grin, it not quite reaching his eyes. He had soft blonde hair that sat in small waves atop his head, the rest of his body disguised by a long black cloak that he had tucked around himself. That's what made Harry remember.

He had stepped out of the school for a smoke break, letting out a deep breath. He loved children but popped a couple of painkillers to hinder the growing headache anyway. That was when he saw a man and his son — who Harry later found out was called Scorpius and was in the class Harry was helping out in — walking into the school. The son had his arm in a sling but was smiling widely as he chatted to his father before the two of them disappeared from view.

Harry lit his cigarette, taking a long drag before he let out a sigh and watched the smoke rise. He loved this village but it was definitely going to take some getting used to.

The man stepped out of the school and walked off, directly in front of Harry. Just as he was stepping around the corner, his cloak slipped off his shoulders and fell to the floor.

"Wait!" Harry called out, jogging forward and picking up the cloak, "here you go."

Harry grinned as he handed the man's cloak back to him only to find the man staring in shock. Harry even swore he saw his fingers shaking as he took back the fabric and swung it over his shoulders, hiding his crisp, clean suit underneath it, "thank you," he spoke in a strong Scottish accent before a bell rang and Harry swore.

"Bye!" He called out behind him, putting out his cigarette and spraying a bit of aftershave to get rid of the smell of smoke before he walked back into the school.

The man shuffled slightly on the step, "do you remember me, Harry?" It was incredibly surreal to have a stranger know his name like he was some sort of celebrity. But his next-door neighbour had told him that he was the first person not related to any occupant to move to the village in the last century so he sort of was a celebrity. Plus, the man's accent gave a slight lilt to Harry's name like no other person's had.

"I gave you back your cloak," Harry spoke, "I don't know if I know you before that."

"You don't," the man stepped out of Harry's way, "would we be able to continue this conversation inside?"

Harry looked at him warily, wondering if the man was hiding a suit under the cloak or something much more dangerous.

"I can see that you're hesitant," Harry swore he could listen to him speak all day. His accent was so different from the others in the village. While theirs was so strong it was difficult to understand, he was clear and sharp but nevertheless Scottish. The man shuffled slightly and pulled his cloak off, showing the same black suit he was wearing before, "I mean no ill will, I promise."

Harry nodded and stepped forward, "can I have your name, at least?" He spoke as he unlocked the door.

The man chuckled deeply, "names are very precious things. You should be careful who you hand them to," he spoke cryptically, "you may call me Draco."

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