I'm there for you

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Drarry!fluff that I really need right now

Draco knew something was wrong the moment he got home.

Harry was curled up into himself on the sofa, eyes unfocused as he flicked passed every movie option on Netflix. He would reach the end of the line and then just move down to the next one, unblinking as if he had barely noticed the change in movement. Draco quietly padded into the living room and kneeled in front of him, "Harry?"

It took two more calls for Harry to notice him, eyes drifting down slowly and lips parting eventually, "Draco?"

"Yeah," Draco whispered, "how about we skip that date tonight?" He suggested, gently tugging the TV remote from Harry's fingers, "I can pick up some food and you don't need to do anything you don't want to."

Harry nodded, almost like he was in a daze, as the TV was turned off and he slowly moved to lie down on the sofa. Draco draped a blanket over the top of him and watched as Harry barely noticed it. He just stared in front of him with a blank expression. Draco knew that he wouldn't move until he was forced to and so, left to go order some food.

When the pizza — Harry's favourite, of course — arrived, Draco needed to whisper Harry's name four times before he nodded and sat up taking the pizza and staring down at it, "I..."

"Eat all that you can," Draco told him, sitting a reasonable distance away from Harry, "it doesn't matter if you can't finish it. Just do your best."

Harry could only nod as his fingers shook.

Draco wished he could do more to help but Harry needed to work this out on his own. He remembered the first time Harry had become like this, when they had first moved in together. He had tried to hide it, tried to act like nothing was bothering him. But Draco had noticed the way his entire body flinched whenever Draco touched him and made sure to give Harry his space, not force him to talk it through. The mood lasted for four days and, Harry told him later, that they usually lasted weeks if he tried to act like normal. Draco immediately promised to give Harry his space whenever he needed it for as long as he needed it. So that was what they were doing.

But just because he was giving him space, didn't mean he couldn't help him.

Draco ate quickly and cleared up for Harry before he ran a bath for his boyfriend, placing a change of clothes on the counter as well as a small note telling him that he loved him. He waited in their bedroom, writing on his laptop until Harry walked in, wearing the clothes Draco had laid out for him.

He could never understand why he loved it when Harry wore his clothes but he couldn't stop the warm smile that appeared on his face the moment he saw Harry. He knew that the strained smile that was sent back was Harry's best attempt and nodded, letting Harry settle in the bed next to him. In these moods, Harry mostly hated the idea of any form of physical contact, flinching away from it at all costs but, a few times, it had been the complete opposite and all he had wanted to do was hold Draco. So when Harry lay down and faced Draco, Draco did the same, "can I?"

Harry tensed before he shook his head. Draco understood and pulled out his backup, gently holding out the hot water bottle for Harry to take, cautious not to brush their fingers together. A softness in Harry's eyes was all that was needed as he pulled the bottle closer to his chest and fell asleep.

Draco knew he would do anything for him.


The next morning, Draco woke up Harry with breakfast in bed. Chocolate chip pancakes and chopped strawberries on a tray along with a bowl of dry cereal and a promise of being back from work soon before he told him again how much he loved him and left the house.

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