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Harry was at another one of those stupid ministry parties, everyone walking around and congratulating him on defeating the dark lord when Harry did nothing but stubbornly refuse to die. His friends did everything but because he had the stupid scar, he was paraded as the saviour of the world.

He turned around, glass of muggle whiskey in his hand, and came face to face with someone new, "hello."

The new man raised an eyebrow, "you don't look so happy. This party is for you, after all."

Harry scoffed, "I'm just not in the mood for it," he downed the last of his drink and asked the bartender for another, "I don't think I've seen you before."

The new man smiled. He had shiny, bleach blonde hair that he kept cropped close to his head. His bright teeth seemed to shine as he grinned, "no, I tend to hide in the corners. You just caught my eye today."

"I tend to do that," Harry said sadly into his new glass. He was about to take a sip when it was plucked from his fingers.

The man took a sip and scoffed, "I don't like muggle alcohols," he spoke distastefully, a sour look on his face before he shook his head and turned his attention to Harry, "my name is Mikkel Grigoryan, nice to meet you."

Harry shook his hand, "nice to meet you too."

Barely noticing his lack of drink, Harry found himself talking to Mikkel all night.


"So, Harry, you and Mikkel have been close."

Harry grinned at them from the other side of the table. He had always looked forward to the Friday night dinners with his friends. "Yeah, we met at that ministry function the other day," he gushed, glancing towards the door, where Mikkel was walking through, "I hope you guys don't mind that I invited him."

Hermione looked slightly confused, "oh, um," she spotted him striding towards their table, "uh, t-that's fine."

Mikkel reached them, wide grin on his face, "hello," he spoke graciously, shaking the hand of everyone around the table — which was basically all the Gryffindors in Harry's year plus Ginny and Luna — before he took Harry's hand and gently kissed across his knuckles, "I am very sorry for barging in on you but Harry insisted that I come," he sat in the seat next to Harry, producing a small box of chocolates which he pressed into Harry's hand, "for you."

Harry blushed, feeling like he was back at school as his present distracted him from the fact that Mikkel had insisted he come meet Harry's friends, despite Harry insisting that it was just for him and his friends from Hogwarts.

"I-it's nice to meet you, Mikkel," Hermione spoke, "Harry has mentioned you. You met at the ministry function, didn't you?"

Mikkel smiled, eyes not moving from Harry's, "yes, he caught my eye from across the room and I couldn't resist talking to him."

The rest of the table looked on in shock as Harry couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from Mikkel's for the entire dinner. Not when someone tried to talk to him, not when Mikkel was talking to someone else and not even when Mikkel ordered his food for him, choosing a different drink from the one he always got. Hermione found it rather strange.

When the night was over, Ron offered to have everyone over for drinks. It was tradition to head back to someone's house to get drunk. However, Mikkel took Harry's hand and spoke for him, "no thank you," he grinned, "Harry and I must be off now."

Harry barely spoke as he waved goodbye to his friends before the pair walked off to an apparation point.

Ron gaped after them, "what was that?"

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