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Muggle!au, Ace!Harry, Ace!Draco

"You know, Harry, you should go out with..."

As soon as those words left someone's mouth, Harry zoned out completely. He would serve customers, take orders, restock cupboards, do the washing up and anything else he could to avoid that damn conversation.

"Harry? You listening?"

"Hmm?" Harry asked, sipping his drink as he snapped back into reality. It was a slow day and he had nowhere to escape to.

Ginny sighed, "you zoned out as soon as I mentioned dating, didn't you."

"Yes," he frantically searched for a table to clear but Ginny had clamped a hand on his shoulder.

She wasn't letting it go any time soon, "you haven't gone out with anyone since Cho Chang when you were fifteen and even then, you weren't very interested. You told us you were also interested in guys and yet you haven't done anything about it. What's going on?"

Harry shrugged, thankful that another customer was walking in so that he could do something with his hands, "I just don't want a relationship like that at the moment."

"Like what?"

Harry sent her a look which silenced the whole conversation before he smiled at the customer, "hi, what can I get you?"

However, he was still ambushed as soon as they walked away as Ginny nudged him in the side, "just, you have the opening shift tomorrow, don't you?"

Harry nodded.

"You should talk to the new baker. He's starting tomorrow."


The next morning, Harry unlocked the door and started turning on light and setting up the coffee machine. He had completely forgotten that the new baker was coming in and the other person on the opening shift had called off sick. He was expecting to be alone for the next hour until staff came in.

That was until someone walked in.

"Sorry, we're technically still closed," Harry spoke, barely looking up from the coffee machine, "but I can take your order and get it to you as soon as possible."

"Uh, no thanks."

Harry looked up at that reply, a knot forming between his eyebrows, when he met eyes with the most beautiful man he had ever seen. White hair that hung down to his chin, cold grey eyes that seemed to look much deeper than most peoples and he was tall. By Merlin, he was tall.

When Harry didn't speak for a while, too busy trying to get his voice to work, the man spoke again, "I'm the new baker."

Harry gasped and nearly slammed his head on the counter, "right. Of course. Slipped my mind. Sorry. I-uh, right. I'll show you around." He stammered as he stepped from behind the counter, "uh, okay, the kitchen is upstairs."

Harry was very aware of the man as they walked up the stairs, "okay, um most of the stuff we bake keeps for about five days but we make the Cinnamon Twirls every day because it's um... pastry, you know," he coughed, leading him into the kitchen, "I've already started the twirls because I thought we didn't have a baker for today so they're in the oven already. Uh, we have a lot of hygiene rules. No stud earrings with backs, hair below the ears must be tied back at all times, no bracelets of any kind, only a single wedding band is allowed but any other rings must go, no watches, no nail varnish. Uhm..." he glanced back at the man, who wasn't looking affected by any of it as he tied his hair into a bun at the nape of his neck, making Harry swallow. He was very beautiful. "Let me show you how the oven works."

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