Our Family

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"I-I'm not sure I can Draco, not on my own," Harry said, his head in his hands as he sat on the sofa, "I don't know if I can face them. At least, not on my own."

Draco groaned from where he was leaning on the doorframe, "well I can't come with you. You should be lucky I'm even allowing this in the first place."

Harry sighed and flopped backwards, "then let's just not. We don't invite them. I never see them again. Good!"

"They're the only-"

"Don't say that," Harry snapped, "please don't say that."

Draco let out a sigh as he arrived next to Harry, "I never thought I would say this but-"

"You don't need to say it," Harry rested his head on Draco's shoulder, "I know you're right. I-I just..."

Someone knocked on the door, snapping both of them out of their thoughts. "I'll get it," Draco spoke, kissing Harry on the forehead before he tapped him on the knee and left the room.

Harry sat there in silence, staring down at his hands as he tried to work up the courage for what he needed to do. Then, a voice called from the front door, "emotional support has arrived!"

Letting out a chuckle, Harry struggled to his feet as Ginny Weasley burst into the living room and threw herself onto Harry, "nice to see you too," Harry laughed, holding onto her tightly before his legs gave out beneath him.

She pulled away but still held onto his arms, fixing him with a harsh stare, "you have fifteen minutes to get ready then we're leaving. Okay?"

Harry nodded, letting Draco pass him his walking stick before he hobbled up the stairs to get changed.

When he appeared again, Draco and Ginny were laughing about something on the sofa, "and then..." Ginny giggled, "he leans forward to kiss me!"

They burst out into peals of laughter, "oi, you better not be telling that story again," Harry spoke, staring at them both in shock, "I thought you've forgiven me!"

"Oh, I have," Ginny said, standing up with a wide grin, "I like to laugh about it now. Come on, let's go."

Harry nodded and was soon being dragged by the elbow towards the front door, "Gin- Ginny! Please, slow down," he stumbled over his feet and nearly fell on top of the girl if it wasn't for her halting in her steps.

"Sorry, Harry, old habits, you know?" She giggled, offering her arm for him to take, "are you ready to go?"

Harry grinned and linked his arm in hers before they made their way out of the house.

As soon as they appeared outside of the Dursley's house, Harry's stomach dropped, "Ginny, I-"

"Shush," she said simply, walking towards the door with Harry lagging behind, "do you want to knock or should I?"


Before Harry could say anything else, Ginny had already rapped her knuckles three times against the glass window, "whoops, my hand slipped," she said with a fake frown.

Harry scowled at her but the door was soon flung open, revealing a beady-eyed Vernon Dursley standing with a red face, "you?" He spat, "what are you doing here?"

Harry opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. Luckily, Ginny was there, "we want to talk to you, is the rest of your family here?"

"We don't want to talk to you," Vernon spoke, his eyes flashing dangerously, "we don't need freaks in our house."

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