I thought you were roommates!

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Harry's vision was blocked by a mess of bushy hair as his friend jumped on him, squeezing him half to death, "ugh, 'Mione! Can't breathe."

"Sorry," she flushed, stepping into the apartment, "this place looks really nice," she praised.

"Thanks," Harry took her and Ron's coats, "Draco did most of the work, to be honest. I just kept him company as he shopped. Can I get you guys a drink?"

Ron looked around the place, "so where is Malfoy now?" He asked, kicking his shoes off and joining the other two in the kitchen.

"Gone to pick up the food, we couldn't be bothered cooking so we've decided on a Chinese. That alright with you?" Harry busied himself with making three cups of tea, still searching for everything in his new apartment.

The two agreed, Hermione sitting on a barstool, "how is it? Living with Draco, I mean?"

Ron turned his nose up at the sound of his fiancée calling him 'Draco' but said nothing as Harry leaned on the counter and grinned, "it's great! We're still not used to it quite yet but we work really well together."

"Yeah, that's great and all but-" Ron sighed, "-why Malfoy of all people?"

Both Harry and Hermione gave him a weird look but neither were able to say anything before the door swung open, "I'm back!" Someone called out, "your friends here yet?"

"Yeah!" Harry called back, already making his way towards the front door, "you guys mind getting some plates while I help Draco unpack the food? Thanks." He walked out of the room before either of them said anything.

A massive smile was on his face as he saw Draco, who was stood in the doorway with a large box in his hands, "hey, love," he spoke softly, "everything okay?"

Draco groaned, "I forgot the word, what is it?" He placed the box on the coffee table, "stealaway? Got some weird looks."

"Takeaway," Harry chuckled, "you'll get a hang of it eventually."

"Oh, come off it Ronald," Hermione snapped, both of them walking into the room, "and I don't want to hear another word of that, got it?"

Ron scowled and flopped on the sofa, "yeah, fine."

Draco gave Harry a weird look and Harry shrugged at him, 'don't know' he mouthed back before he turned back to the other two, "right, who's hungry?"


"I know you're trying," Harry spoke, pointing his wand at the dishes so they started cleaning themselves, "I don't know what's with him today."

Draco sat in the kitchen, his head in his hands, "Harry, I'm going to throttle him," he spoke through gritted teeth.

Harry sat opposite him and grabbed one of his hands, gently rubbing circles on his palm, "I'll talk to him, see what's bothering him. I don't know why he's like this."

Peering up through his eyelashes, Draco managed to flash a small smile, "I'm so lucky I have you."

Harry didn't have the energy to retort with something selfish like 'too true' or 'damn right' because of the amount of fights he had tried to break up between Ron and Draco. By 'fights' however, it means that Ron took something Draco said personally and attacked any small movement he had made. While Draco tried to stop the fight or retract whatever small thing he had said, Ron began to degrade him and bring up things that Draco had apologised too many times for. It was exhausting and they hadn't even got to desert yet.

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