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"Have you read the paper today?" Draco asked absently as he sat at his seat next to Harry at the head table in the great hall.

Harry glanced over at him as he chewed his lunch, "hello to you too, my wonderful husband," he spoke sarcastically, rolling his eyes, "how has your day been so far, since you disappeared this morning without telling me?"

Draco sent him a withering look, placing the Daily Prophet on the table between them, "hello, Harry," he spoke finally, "I'll have you know, I didn't disappear this morning. I never got back from my rounds." He spoke, gesturing over towards the Ravenclaw table where McGonagall was pulling a brown-haired girl out of the hall, "I found your goddaughter in the restricted section of the library only for her to collapse on me. I had to escort her to the hospital wing and help Madam Pomfrey to tend to her for the rest of the night. I missed ten minutes of my first lesson. Thank you." He snapped, diving into his lunch with the fervour of a man who hadn't eaten breakfast.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered, fiddling with the ring on his finger, "it was wrong of me to assume and snap. Have you taken a wide-eye potion?"

Draco let out a long sigh as he took Harry's hand, "I'm sorry too. I've taken the potion but it hasn't set in yet. I guess I'm just tired."

"When is your next free period?" Harry asked, meeting his husband's eyes for the first time that day.

With a shake of the head, Draco spoke, "I don't have one today." His hand twitched as he tried to hide his yawn, "I'll hide in my chambers for an hour or so before dinner."

Harry could see that Draco was trying to hide just how exhausted he was. His eyes were struggling to open after every blink and each sentence was punctuated by a stifled yawn, "what class do you have next?"

"A double period with second-year Slytherins and Gryffindors," he spoke, finally yawning as he rubbed his eyes, "did I take a wide-eye potion?" He mumbled to himself, "I can't remember."

Harry grabbed the newspaper from the table and stood up, gently pulling Draco to his feet and leading him out of the hall, "I have the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. I'll take over the lesson and give the whole year a duelling lesson. Like our second year, remember?"

"You speak to snakes," Draco muttered, leaning heavily on Harry's shoulder, "don't speak parseltongue in front of the children, you'll scare them."

Harry chuckled, "noted," he patted Draco on the chest before their quarters came into view, "let's get you into bed. I'll wake you up in an hour."

"Mhmm," Draco hummed, leaning on the doorframe as a small amount of clarity came to him and he stood up on his own two feet, "thank you, Harry," he kissed him on the forehead before he walked into their room and the door closed behind him.

Harry let out a long sigh and began the trek back to the great hall, flicking the pages of the Daily Prophet in his hand as he walked up to McGonagall and explained the situation.

"I'll announce at the end of lunch, good idea Harry," she spoke proudly, "would you like to use the hall?"

"That would make the most sense," Harry agreed, "thank you Pro-" he had to stop himself and correct his words, "Minerva." Calling his old professor by her first name was still weird, even after working with her for a few years.

She sent a thin smile at him just as the plates disappeared from the tables and the students began to stir, standing up to move to their next lessons. McGonagall stood from her chair and pointed her wand at her chin, "attention students. All second-year students will have their next lesson in the great hall with Professor Potter, thank you," her amplified voice resonated across the room and caused a ripple of murmurs to break from the students.

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