French Book

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Married!Drarry, fluff

Harry found himself looking very confused at the book thrust in his hands, "Hermione, this is in French."

"Yes," Hermione gushed, "it's so much better in its original language. You promised you would read it."

That was before I found out it was in French, Harry thought but he didn't voice it, "I don't know how to read it though."

"Use a dictionary," Hermione said simply, producing one from her bag like she had planned the entire conversation, "give it a go? Please Harry?"

Harry couldn't say no and sighed, "fine," as he took the dictionary as well.


"What you reading?"

Harry showed Draco the front of the book — "histoires du gobelin et du poêle" — since he couldn't pronounce it properly.

Draco grinned, squinting at the writing — he refused to get his eyes checked because glasses was 'Harry's thing' and not his — and spoke, "his-toe-eye-res doo gob-el-in ett doo poo-elle?" He spoke in such broken French, it made even Harry wince.

"Love, please," Harry placed a hand on his cheek, "never, ever, say that again."

Draco shrugged and lay back on the bed next to Harry, who also had the french dictionary open and was flicking through it, "don't know why you're bothering with that anyway."

Harry turned away from his book, trying to focus on only one language at a time, "because a pregnant Hermione is either a very scary Hermione or a sobbing Hermione and I don't want to deal with either of those so I'm trying to keep her happy." He looked back at his book. "It's strange," he admitted, "I've known Ron and Hermione so long and now they're having a baby."

"What if," Harry turned back to Draco, "we had a baby?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, a bright smile on his face, "you want a baby? With me?" He grinned.

"Well I didn't marry you just to steal your last name," Draco spoke, "of course I want a baby with you, if you'll have me."

Harry happily hurled both the book and the French dictionary behind him as he threw himself on Draco, kissing every available spot on his face he could, "oh Merlin, Draco, I love you."

Draco hummed, "you know, there are potions we could get..."

"Yes, yes, yes," Harry spoke, "please."


"How's the book going, Harry?" Hermione asked with a smile, leaning back against the sofa, "you've had it for what, a few months now? Are you enjoying it?"

Harry nodded, "I was quite surprised, actually, but it is taking a while for me to get through it, I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not, as long as you like it," Hermione grinned, "but why did you ask me to come if you didn't want to give the book back."

"Well," Harry scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "I was hoping to tell both you and Ron today but I-uh, I don't know if I can hold the secret any longer."

Hermione leaned forward, eyes sparkling in excitement, "what is it?"

"Well, um," Harry could feel bile rising in his throat but pushed it down, "before I tell you, we did not plan this to try and steal your thunder or anything and you know that Draco and I are so happy for you and Ron and-"

"Harry," Hermione placed a soft hand on his knee, "relax and tell me."

He took a deep breath as he met her eyes, "I'm pregnant."

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