Chapter 1

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Thank you so much to @Britt1D4Life for all her help, she practically helped me write this story and was so patient. This took me forever to write and I hope you guys like it, please don't forget to vote and leave your lovely comments. :D

*~ 11 Years Earlier, 2004 ~*

The hallways below deck throughout the cruise ship were crowded as nineteen year old Louis made his way through them in search of his suite carrying his luggage. Once he found it he happily made his way inside loving that he didn't have to share and placed the heavy luggage on top of the bed and began unpacking to be ready by dinner. A few hours later he made his way through the dining hall in search of a table when someone collided against him knocking the breath out of him and making him fall backwards as the stranger cursed a few times.

"I am so sorry. Are you okay?" The stranger asked and when Louis looked up he was met with a pair of bright green eyes looking back at him.

"Y- Yeah, I'm fine...I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Louis felt his face heating up under the boy's gaze.

"Don't be, it was my fault. Let me help you up." He smiled and Louis felt his jaw dropping at the sight of his dimples in full display, he had a thing for cute smiles and dimples.

He helped him up and as soon as Louis was standing they stood in front of the other until the boy with dark brown curly hair, green eyes and sinful red plump lips spoke up still holding onto Louis' hand.

"I'm Harry...Styles. Harry Styles." Harry nervously chuckled knowing he was making a fool of himself in front of the beautiful boy with pretty blue eyes and small cute button nose.

"Louis Tomlinson."

"Are you here with the Manchester school of the art? I think I saw you earlier today." Harry asked.

"Yeah, I'm doing the fashion course. How about you?" Louis asked then looked down at his hand still holding Harry's quickly letting go as his cheeks tinted a rosy pink.

"Oh that's nice! Are you one of the fashion designers presenting their collection?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." Louis shyly said looking down at his feet then back at Harry.

"I'm sure they're amazing and are going to be a great success. I'm here from London University, the law program." Harry smiled.

"Law?" Louis raised his eyebrows, "You don't look like the type to be in law school."

"I...yeah." Harry smiled looking down at his hands.

"Its actually pretty cool, it means you're really smart." Louis quickly said not wanting him to think he was mocking him.

"Do you want to sit with me? I don't really have any friends here to talk you want to?" Harry nervously asked shuffling his feet around.

"I would love to." Louis smiled.

They walked to a free table near the exit and after getting their food they sat down to eat, they talked about their lives back home. Louis learned Harry was from Cheshire and had an older sister named Gemma and two older brothers named Liam and Niall who his mum had taken in when they were fifteen year old's and had fallen in love with them deciding to adopt them, his parents had divorced when he was younger and now her mother Anne was married to a wonderful man and father named Robin while his biological dad named Des had moved to the US with his new wife and had no children.

Harry, on the other hand, learned that Louis' biological father had left him and his mother when he was just a year old. His mother Jay had married Mark who he considered to be his one and only father, he also had four half younger sisters and the two younger ones were twins.

Just Say You Love Me, Just For Today (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now