Chapter 13

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As soon as they were back in Perrie's guest house Jonah took a shower then went for a nap while Louis tried to decide what was the best course of action. He couldn't take his sons away from Harry and all he wanted was for them to have a proper relationship even if they would never be a proper family ever again. After thinking for almost an hour he decided to at least do something productive like laundry, and when he was almost done folding them later that day he heard a knock on the door yelling out a come in thinking it was either Zayn or Perrie coming to talk to him.

"Are you leaving?" Harry's shaky voice startled Louis making him drop one of his shirts.

He was still wearing his clothes from earlier even though they were a little wrinkled up, his hair was a mess and his eyes were swollen and red from crying.

"I- no, doing laundry." Louis answered picking up the shirt then folded it waiting for Harry to say something and when he didn't he looked up seeing him already looking at him, "They're asleep, so if you want to talk to them you're gonna have to wait until they wake u-"

"I ended things with Nick." Harry interrupted him.

"W- What?" Louis stuttered dropping the shirt he had been holding groaning when he had to refold it.

"I broke up with Nick. I don't want to be with someone who I'm not in love with, someone who's going to treat my children like shit and who only wants to be with me for my money. Jonah and Elijah come first." Harry said looking completely exhausted, "Its pathetic that I didn't realize it had to take my own son telling me that he hates me for me to do so."

"That's...I don't know what to tell you. You can sit down." Louis gestured for him to do so then took a seat in front of him, "Do you want something to drink?"

"No, that's okay, thank you. I came here to talk to you, to- to ask you to stay. I know you're going to leave and take them and I just, just want to spend time with them like I should have done a long time ago. Start over." Harry explained hoping for Louis to agree.

"Jonah and Eli want to go back home but I didn't want to leave before you could mend your relationship with them so I decided that we're staying at least until summer is over." Louis looked down at his feet.

"You're taking Jonah?" Harry asked, his voice cracking at the end.

"I don't- I don't know what to do. I don't want to take them away from you and I don't want to be away from Jonah nor do I want you to separate from Elijah." Louis sighed.

"I'm- I'm really sorry..." Harry said out of nowhere startling Louis.

"Harry you don't have to apologize." Louis quickly said.

"Yes I do. All this time, I'm an asshole- an idiot because all this time I've been blaming you for everything when I'm the one to blame too. Back then I was so obsessed with getting out of that poverty we lived in, out of that shitty apartment we lived in that I forgot about everything else. I forgot that not everything was about school and work and up until now I was still doing the same, I stopped paying attention to you and you didn't deserve that." Harry explained trying to maintain eye contact with Louis but it was impossible knowing what was coming.

"If I didn't understand it back then I do now and I'm really sorry too. I was such a bad husband for demanding so much when you were only trying to give us a better life and I was a bad parent for complaining about taking care of them and leaving Jonah behind but I don't regret having them. I don't." Louis gave him a sad smile frowning when he saw Harry's guilty expression.

"No, you weren't and you'll never be a bad parent. I left you alone with them-"


"The reason why I worked so much and was always asking for more hours when we were still married was because yes, we needed the money but I also did it so I didn't have to be home!" Harry finally confessed seeing all kinds of emotions passing through Louis' face.

Just Say You Love Me, Just For Today (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now