Chapter 4

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New chapter! I'll probably post every day or every two days depending on how busy I am. Please share this story with your friends and don't forget to comment and vote. :)

*~ 3 Years Earlier, 2012 ~*

"Daddy, hurry up or we're gonna be late! Uncle Zayn is waiting for us." Elijah ran into his room startling Louis making him drop the half of the picture he had been looking at.

"I'm coming, sweetheart." Louis said putting the picture back in the drawer of Elijah's nightstand after he had given it to him when he had turned seven and wouldn't stop asking about his other father.

Louis looked at his now eight year old son and smiled wondering what his Jonah was like and how was Harry doing wherever he was. Had he gotten his law degree, had he moved on and gotten married again and had he formed his own family, Louis couldn't help but feel his heart aching every time he thought about the last two but if he had then there was no one to blame but himself.

Seven years after Harry had disappeared Louis had searched for him everywhere he could think of with Zayn's help without any luck when he never heard from him ever again. A few months later after he had left Louis' parents had tried to take Elijah away from him unable to even look at him and had kicked him out but as soon as he had found out he hadn't wasted time on moving out and Zayn had been nice enough to let him move in with him helping him in whatever he could even though he didn't deserve it.

Louis had gone back to school and with sacrifice had finished it and was now one of the top five fashion designers of his generation having moved to London to pursue a career with Zayn moving next door when he had fallen in love with the building Louis was living in.

"What took you so long mate?" Zayn asked from where he was sitting in Louis' living room waiting for him.

"I was looking for my phone." Louis lied then grabbed Elijah's hand walking towards the door.

As soon as Elijah was busy in the backseat reading one of his comics Zayn gave Louis a knowing look making him look down. Today was the day he would be presenting his newest collection and it was supposed to be a happy day but he hadn't been fully happy ever since he had pushed Harry and their son away, his other son that Elijah knew nothing of.

"Smile Louis, today is supposed to be a happy day. You're about to introduce your newest collection which I'm sure will be a huge hit and very successful just like the others." Zayn tried to cheer him up but Louis only gave him a sad smile.

"What's the point in having money and fame, for the world to see and like my creations like I've always wanted if I don't have them and I'll probably never see them ever again. Its been seven years and still no trace of Harry or his family." Louis felt awful just by thinking about it.

"We'll find them, Lou. We're never gonna give up and I promise you one day we'll find them." Zayn gave him an encouraging smile.

When they got to the fashion show Elijah was left to sit at a table with his small backpack filled with books by his feet while Louis got busy getting everything ready and Zayn changed into the newest clothes Louis had designed after accepting to model for him. There were always rumors that they were dating no matter how many times Louis told them that Zayn was like his brother and their relationship was nothing but platonic.

Louis loved and would always love the father of his child and the one he had lost and never mentioned. Louis was proud of his winter collection and even more proud of his models especially Zayn who the public seemed to love and find extremely attractive to the point that they thought he wasn't real.

Just Say You Love Me, Just For Today (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now