Chapter 10

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As soon as the twins had stepped into Perrie's house Jonah grabbed Elijah's hands dragging him towards one of the guest bedrooms shouting that they were going to share leaving Perrie and Louis alone in the middle of her living room.

"Sorry I didn't introduced myself earlier, I'm Perrie. I met Harry in college and now we work together." She held out her hand giving him a friendly smile.

"Louis. You already know who I am..." Louis trailed off shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Louis. Elijah told me lots of good things about you and I'm glad Jonah got to meet you, he's always wanted to do that." Perrie said getting nervous when Louis looked down, "Let me show you to your bedroom."

When Louis nodded she led him to one of her guest bedrooms leaving him alone after saying a good night so he could settle in. As soon as Louis was alone he left the bags by the closet door and took a seat on the bed trying to fight the tears remembering the way Nick had kissed Harry and what hurt was that Harry had kissed him back. He quickly wiped them away when they rolled down his cheeks hearing a knock on the door and seconds later his sons walked into the room going straight to him sitting down next to him.

"Do you like aunt Perrie's house?" Jonah asked trying to climb on his father's lap not caring if he was too big now then continued talking when Louis said nothing smiling when Louis wrapped his arms around him, "I think we should go to six flags tomorrow and spend all day there. Right Eli?"

"Dad, are you okay?" Elijah asked completely ignoring his brother when he saw Louis' eyes filled with unshed tears.

"What's wrong dad?" Jonah asked noticing how tense he was.

Louis kissed the side of Jonah's head before he put him down on the bed next to him then got up gesturing for Elijah to sit next to his brother and when he did he started pacing back and forth. He stopped in front of them trying to find the best way to approach the subject but instead felt himself growing frustrated unable to believe his own sons will do something like that to him.

"Why did you lie to me?" Was the first thing Louis asked seeing a panicked expression cross through their features, "You told me your father knew you two had switched places and that he wanted to talk to me when he had no idea what was going on. You made me look like a fool in front of him when he had no idea."

"I don't want him to marry Nick, I want us to be a family again." Jonah said out of nowhere.

"But why lie, Jonah William. You could have just told me the whole truth, I would've understood...I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed in you two." Louis knelt down in front of them.

"I'm sorry." Elijah looked down in shame.

"I'm not angry love." Louis sighed as he reached to hug him then Jonah who only stared at his feet, "We should go to bed, tomorrow's going to be a long day."

He walked them back to their bedroom staying there talking for a little bit then went back to his bedroom after saying their I love you's where he took a shower letting his tears mix with the hot water. When he got out of the bathroom ready to go to bed he smiled when he saw his sons sleeping on his bed and slowly laid down in between them falling asleep minutes later.

When he woke the next morning he slowly sat up as he looked around confused for  moment until he remembered noticing Elijah still on his spot then Jonah laying down by their feet. He made his way to the bathroom coming out minutes later fully dressed then made sure to put Jonah next to Elijah before walking out looking for the kitchen. He found Perrie sitting on a barstool drinking coffee and still in her pajamas making him stop in his tracks then took another step forward when she waved him over with her free hand still drinking her coffee. 

Just Say You Love Me, Just For Today (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now