Chapter 5

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"What in the..?" Jonah muttered as soon as he had dried out after a shower, "Oliver!"

He walked to the sleeping area to see the rest of his friends feeling their skin and frowning at the stickiness and that's when he figured it out what was going on after he had done it to his father's boyfriend. He ran back to the showers pulling one of the plastic chairs over then got on top of it removing the shower head, he narrowed his eyes as soon as the small pieces of Jolly Ranchers fell down to the tile floor.

"What's going on?" Oliver asked, Mason and Carter following after him.

"This isn't over, they're gonna pay." Jonah said then started cleaning out the shower heads with the intention of showering again.

Jonah spent all night planning his next ultimate prank and by the next morning during breakfast he was still debating on what to do. He ate in complete silence and when they were told they could have free time until lunch he spent it alone kicking a ball out in the fields having left his friends back in their cabin.

Elijah walked around until he found a place to sit and sat down under a tree still a little fidgety after the itching powder prank, he sighed then started reading one of the newest comics his uncle Zayn had given him and so far it was great. When reading he tended to disconnect from the world and focus entirely in whatever he was reading and that's how he never noticed the ball coming his way or the boy shouting at him to duck. The ball landed on his lap snapping him out of his own little secret world startling him as he looked around with wide eyes.

"I am so sorry. Are you okay?" A voice asked him and when he looked up he had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. 

"I- what?" Elijah muttered looking at him from head to toe.

"Oh my god, oh my god." Jonah's eyes widened in sheer terror when he saw the face of the boy he had just hit with his ball.

"You-" Elijah started but was interrupted by Jonah.

"Please don't tell me you're the robot dad's boyfriend said was going to get me, oh my god is this about the itching powder I put in his fancy clothes and then the clothes of cabin four isn't it. Please don't annihilate me, I don't want to die. I'm too young!" Jonah started freaking out and when Elijah got up and took a step forward he screamed bloody murder and ran away leaving his football behind.

"Wait! You left your football." Elijah shouted and for some unknown reason he took off running after him.

"Leave me alone!" Jonah screamed when he noticed the assassin robot look alike was chasing him.

"I'm not a robot, I'm Elijah!" Elijah continued chasing after him unable to stop on time when Jonah did and turned around ready to face him and fight for his life.

Elijah collided against Jonah sending them backwards landing on their bums while they stared at each other unable to take their eyes off of each other. The only difference between the two was Jonah's hair over his forehead and Elijah's hair pulled back. Jonah was wearing a light blue shirt with basketball shorts while Elijah had on a white shirt and a pair of cargo shorts.

"I said I was sorry!" Jonah exclaimed and just like that got up and ran away from there taking his football with him.

Elijah stayed on the ground then got up going back to retrieve his comic determined to find out why the hell was there another him walking around camp. He made his way back to the cabins looking for him and after a few minutes he gave up for the day.

"Hey Jonah!" 

Someone screamed while Elijah looked around then started getting nervous when three boys started making their way over to him calling him Jonah.

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