Chapter 12

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Louis thought that after that day Harry would spend more time with their sons but when he missed three games it only pissed him off seeing Jonah's disappointed face whenever he would look for him only to see he wasn't there. He tried to cheer him up but couldn't do much when he would lock himself in his bedroom not coming out until dinner only to glare at his food as he ate it. Harry would call both of them once in a while when Louis felt like it was because he had remembered or received his text messages yet it wasn't enough for both of them

He had already given up when he showed up inviting them to a carnival that he was quick to say no to but when Jonah and Elijah begged him he couldn't say no to them. That night they ended up walking through the colorful carnival waiting for their sons whenever they would ride one of the rides only making small conversation once in a while.

"You never told me you went back to school." Harry said out of nowhere while they were waiting for Jonah and Elijah who were riding the bumper cars.

"I did like three years later or so when I was sort of financially stable, my parents couldn't take away the money they had saved for my college education so I used some of that." Louis said holding the cotton candy picking at it before he grabbed a small piece and ate it.

"That's good, at least you went back. I saw a few of your designs when you released the clothing line, they were pretty amazing." Harry said unable to tear his eyes away from Louis' lips as he licked the sugar off of them.

"Thank you, it took me forever to finish them and when I finally did I was a nervous mess. Thought people would hate them." Louis confessed feeling like they were back in that cruise when he had been so nervous and Harry had made him feel better.

"That's what you always think but you shouldn't worry, people will always love what you design. You're pretty talented." Harry smiled quickly looking away when Louis returned the smile.

"What's Nick doing now? I never heard from him ever again so I was pretty surprised to see him here and...engaged to you." Louis asked glad that his voice hadn't trembled as he spoke.

"He...he never finished like you did and at the moment he's unemployed. I saw him again a year ago when I was in New York for a case and we started talking. It just went from there and here I am." Harry said keeping his eyes straight ahead.

"He and I never got along, don't know why but the past is the past." Louis shrugged focusing on his sons when they got off of the cars and made their way to them.

"Can we ride the Ferris Wheel, all of us? Please?" Jonah begged cheering when Harry agreed.

They made their way there where they had to wait a few minutes listening to the music playing and before Louis could, Harry had already paid for all of them. He thanked Jonah and Elijah when they let him get in the passenger car first raising his eyebrows when Harry got in next to him and after he had sat down Jonah shut the door after his father.

"Jonah what are you doing? Get in." Louis said narrowing his eyes when Jonah giggled and soon Elijah joined him.

"We're not riding with you, we're adults now and we get to ride on our own." Jonah said before he walked away getting in in a passenger car two cars away from them followed by Elijah.

"Adults..." Louis trailed off then got up intending to get out when the Ferris Wheel started moving forcing him to sit down.

"Hey, its alright. Its just one ride." Harry said getting comfortable next to Louis smiling when he nodded.

Louis looked around wrapping his arms around himself when it started getting a bit chilly then looked around with a smile seeing all the colorful rides and farther away into the city. He never noticed Harry watching him and when Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding started playing his smile only widened loving that song singing along to it.

Just Say You Love Me, Just For Today (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now