Chapter 6

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Thank you all so much for your votes and comments, mean a lot to me. :)


Jonah quickly turned his head towards the sound reminding himself that he was now Elijah seeing who he knew as uncle Zayn making his way over to him. He smiled trying to control his nerves but the smile disappeared when he couldn't see his dad anywhere. He waited by his bed until the tall man with the darkest hair and honey brown eyes was standing in front of him hugging the life out of him.

"I missed you buddy!" Zayn finally let go smiling widely then it disappeared seeing his nephew looking around, "Your dad couldn't come with me because he's a bit busy with work at the moment and you know how his provider is but don't worry, you'll get to see him as soon as we get home. What do you say we go and get fast food before heading to the airport?"

"I missed you uncle Zayn." Jonah wrapped his arms around his waist remembering how Elijah had told him he was really affectionate, "Can we get McDonalds?"

"Anything you want bud." Zayn grinned picking up his bags easily putting them over his shoulder putting a hand on Jonah's small shoulder guiding him towards his rented car.

He got in the front seat of Zayn's black audi leaving him to put his bags in the trunk and as soon as he was in the driver's side they drove out of there while Jonah looked back hoping for everything to go well with his brother and dad.

"Did you have fun?" Zayn asked giving him a few glances.

"It was great, I made a few friends...even a best friend." Jonah said looking at Zayn's profile knowing his aunt Perrie would kill to be in his place.

"That's great! I was right when I told your dad not to worry, he's just a worry wart." Zayn chuckled pulling into the drive thru.

"How is he?" Jonah casually asked while fiddling with his fingers.

"Great, can't wait to see you and have you home." Zayn said getting ready to order.

They ended up eating in the car right outside McDonald's making small talk and Jonah couldn't help but be surprised at how comfortable he felt around him and how at ease they fell into conversation. He fought the urge to pull his hair over his forehead but stopped himself remembering how Elijah liked it out of his forehead and he didn't want to ruin things before they could get to London and he could meet his dad.

"Ready?" Zayn asked after he had gotten rid of their trash.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go back home." Jonah nodded a little nervous.

Zayn smiled and pulled out of the parking lot heading straight to the airport and as soon as they were there he grabbed the bags along with a small carry on bag and handed the keys to a man waiting for him thanking him as he did so. Jonah felt his hand on his shoulder as they made their way through the airport and thirty minutes later through security and finally boarded the plane without any hassle. He buckled up taking a deep breath glad that Zayn was busy reading a magazine to see how bad his hands were shaking. The only thing that made him feel better was the fact that soon he'll get to meet his father and Elijah was going to meet their other dad.


Elijah was a nervous mess as he waited for his father to get there, he was the only one left in the cabin after he had said goodbye to all of the friends he and Jonah had made there when he heard the door opening then closing again. He looked up to see a tall dark figure a few inches taller than his dad Louis standing against  the door, the rays of sun against the door preventing him from being able to see him clearly.

Just Say You Love Me, Just For Today (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now