Chapter 11

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Harry continued spending as much time with his sons as he could always trying to stay away from Louis and two weeks after, he was all Harry could think about when he had to see him and spend time with him whenever he would pick up their sons. That afternoon he found himself sitting in his office trying to finish reading a few documents and find a strategy for a new cause when a cheerful Perrie walked in.

"Good news Harry, we won the case." Perrie walked into his office wearing the biggest smile on her face.

"That's wonderful! Are you going home?" He asked.

"Yes, Zayn and I are cooking dinner tonight for everybody. It was Louis' and the twins' turn last night. Zayn and the twins were playing poker last night and you should have seen them, they ganged up on him and he ended up losing big time, they're vicious." Perrie smiled blushing a bit when Harry gave her a knowing look, "What?"

"So you and Zayn..." Harry quipped.

"Zayn and I are just good friends Harry. He's a really nice man and I enjoy spending time with him." Perrie said, "Louis is very lovely too, did you know he's working on his next clothing line? My god all of his designs are just...amazing! I already asked him to design something for me and he agreed." Perrie clapped her hands together in excitement.

"Nick's back to designing a few things." Harry commented trying to steer the conversation away from Louis.

"Ew." Perrie rolled her eyes taking a seat in front of Harry.

"Hey, you should give him a chance...some of his designs...well, some of them are pretty good." Harry pondered.

"Admit it Harry, Nick has no talent and I'm sorry to tell you this which you know I'm not sorry at all but lets pretend that I am so I don't look and sound like a twat like him but Nick apart from having no talent is also a gold digger. All he's good at is mooching off of you and sleep all day after he spends your money on useless things. Tell him to get a job and when he finds one and starts working, then I'll give him a chance." Perrie finished as she reapplied lipstick on her lips.

"He's unemployed at the moment, I'm just helping him out. He's my fiance after all." Harry defended him.

"I don't see him trying to find a job. Seriously Harry, I don't know if you don't see it or you if just don't want to see it but Nick...I've noticed he's always asking for more money and you guys aren't even married yet. All I'm saying is make sure you secure your sons' patrimony before you marry him, your children should be your first priority." Perrie gently told him squeezing his forearm before she got up.

"I already did so, fifty- fifty. Their future is secured." Harry said.

"What about any other children you're going to have?" Perrie gave him an incredulous look.

"I'm not sure if I want anymore kids and if I do then whatever I leave for the twins will be divided in equal parts for all of my children."

"Good. I'm gonna go but I'll see you tomorrow in court." Perrie brightly smiled.

"See ya." Harry said then was left alone going back to the pile of work he had in front of him going back to thoughts of Louis then thoughts of Nick and what Perrie had say making a decision right there and then.

A prenuptial agreement stating separate property was the best way to go.

That night he got home to an empty and dark house with Nick nowhere to be found deciding to skip dinner and go for a shower instead wondering what had Perrie and Zayn cooked and if they were having a good time. If Louis and their sons were having a good time.

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