Chapter 16

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This is it guys! Thank you all so much for your votes and lovely comments, thank you for taking your time to read it. Enjoy! :)

By the next morning Louis was sore everywhere but it was a good kind of sore after the many rounds where Harry had fucked him on any flat surface he could find. Louis had tried to be careful keeping Harry from being too rough with him only letting him be so the last time where he could have sworn he had seen stars when he came. 

He slowly opened his eyes groaning when the bright light sneaking in through the window hurt his eyes cursing himself for not closing the blinds the night before. He was still trying to get used to it when Harry rolled over on top of him holding him tight with no way to escape making him grunt glad that he wasn't showing yet wondering how was it going to be like when he was too big if Harry kept doing that. 

"Harry? Babe, time to wake up." Louis mumbled running his fingers through Harry's hair from where his head was resting on his chest seeing it was only nine and already noon back in California.

"Don't wanna..." Harry mumbled snuggling closer to Louis, "Sleep."

"Come on, there's so much to do and I don't want to lay here all day. We need a shower too. And call the boys." Louis smiled.

"I'll shower if you shower with me...and kiss me a little too." Harry finally lifted his head up already smiling mischievously.

"Fine, but only a little and then we go eat 'cause we're starving." Louis said then his eyes widened not wanting Harry to find out that way. He wanted it to be perfect.

"Yeah you're right, we're starving." Harry kissed his cheek before he got up heading to the bathroom stark naked and Louis was quick to follow.

A kiss turned into sex once again without a condom after Harry had announced he was ready to have more babies with him and Louis had only nodded thinking about how in seven months they would have one. Harry had made sure to come inside of Louis staying there longer than usual telling Louis he just wanted to make sure he would get pregnant as well as telling him he really wanted a girl making Louis' heart flutter wanting the same, a little baby girl. When they were finally dressed they made their way to the restaurant in the hotel while Harry talked about all the things they were going to do.

That afternoon after they had called the twins Louis was ready to pass out from exhaustion after they had gone to the beach and the fact that Harry kept insisting on going scuba diving wasn't helping. He had read how dangerous it was to do so while pregnant especially for him since he was only two months and after he had asked his doctor during his very first appointment he had found out it was definitely a no along with water-skiing and other things. He had run out of excuses the more Harry kept insisting telling him how fun it was going to be and how they were going to learn and do something together and fun.

"Its going to be so much fun, come on Louis don't be a party pooper." Harry whined for the fifth time pulling on Louis' hand trying to get him to get up from where he was sitting on top of a towel on a lounge chair by the pool.

"Harry, I don't want to. I'm tired and I rather not." Louis sighed trying to pry his hand out of Harry's.

"Why are you like this, its just scuba diving and water-skiing. Why are we even here if you don't want to do anything fun? All you've been doing all day is sit on your ass tanning and now you're tired!" Harry finally snapped getting frustrated when Louis said nothing nor moved at all.

"They're dangerous activities and we could get hurt plus I've never done either." Louis shrugged knowing Harry was starting to really get angry when he kept pulling on his hair then took a seat next to him.

Just Say You Love Me, Just For Today (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now