Chapter 14

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Listened to Where Do Broken Hearts Go while editing this, does it even fit? Lol. It might next chapter. :)

Everyone fucks up. 

Now you may read. Enjoy! :)

The week passed by painfully slow for everyone else except for Harry and Louis who gladly spent it together after Harry had decided to stop working so much and actually spend time home. He had been trying to spend time together with his sons knowing summer was almost over and Louis would be going back to London with one or maybe both of them.

"Papa, are you going to be busy tomorrow night?" Elijah asked while they were playing football and Jonah had gone to retrieve the ball.

"I don't think so...nope, I'm gonna be here. Why? You want to do something?" Harry asked him.

"Yeah but its a surprise, Jonah said so." Elijah smiled getting ready to kick the ball as soon as Jonah had gotten back while Harry put his hands in front of his groin not wanting a repeat when Jonah had hit him there with the ball.

As the days passed, he and Louis thought nothing of it when Jonah and Elijah started spending so much time with Perrie and Zayn until the day Liam and Niall made him wear one of his best suits telling him they had a surprise for him unaware that Louis had been told the same thing by Zayn.

"Seriously Zayn, where are you taking me. You're not gonna murder me are you?" Louis tried to stay calm after Zayn had blindfolded him.

"Of course not, and I already told you its a surprise so stop talking." Zayn said already excited, "There are a few steps here, careful Lou."

Louis started getting nervous when he heard Harry asking the same question and out of nowhere the blindfold around his head was removed. His eyes widened when he saw a dinner table complete with a white tablecloth, the best dinnerware and silverware he had ever seen and candles, he smiled a little when he saw the lavender sweet peas in the middle of the table noticing Harry doing the same.

"What's all of this for?" Harry asked them but neither did Liam, Niall or Zayn answered and instead made them sit down not letting them say anything else.

"Don't run away." Niall said before he and Liam left leaving Zayn there who only smiled and left leaving them alone.

Louis looked around immediately falling in love with the decor in the small dining area wondering where he was until he looked out the window. He noticed Harry's house right in front of them figuring out they were in Harry's backyard cottage used for guests or simple relaxation like Harry had explained once when they had been sitting in his backyard watching their sons swim along with Cocoa.

"So...what do you think they're up to?" Harry asked unable to tear his gaze away from Louis who looked as beautiful as ever.

"I honestly have no idea...just wanted us to have dinner I guess. I'm actually starving." Louis nervously said looking at the table and just when he wanted to say something else Zayn walked in dressed like a waiter followed by Jonah and Elijah.

"Good evening, my name is Zayn and I'll be your server tonight. These are Jonah and Eli and they will be helping tonight." Zayn spoke in a professional tone making Louis want to laugh but held it back seeing their serious faces.

"Can I start you off with anything to drink?" Jonah asked stepping in front of Zayn who tried to push him away but ended up not so discreetly fighting for space.

"Jonah I was supposed to say that." Zayn faked a smile finally letting Jonah in front of him.

"Nonsense uncle Zayn." Jonah gave him a smile before he turned back to his parents. "I recommend one of our finest drinks, grape juice. Its my favorite and I just opened the bottle so I haven't drink straight from it." Jonah winked holding the bottle in his hands.

Just Say You Love Me, Just For Today (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now