Chapter 8

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A few things, some things in this chapter I don't know if are possible in real life but for the sake of the story please go along with it. I did researched a bit about it. Enjoy! :)

Two days later was when Elijah finally cracked after spending half the day in his bedroom reading a few books his aunt Perrie had gotten for him, he set it down on his nightstand and slowly made his way downstairs seeing Nick asleep on one of the couches in the living room. He rolled his eyes making his way towards the kitchen passing his father's study seeing he was still sitting there working since early that morning when he had gone in there soon after breakfast. He shook his head continuing to the kitchen where he took his time drinking water and eating a few snacks then after much debating he filled a glass for his dad petting Cocoa on his way there.

He doesn't know how long he stood outside until he gathered enough courage and lightly knocked on the door hearing a muffled come in then slowly made his way in setting the glass down on top of his father's desk near the documents he was working on making sure it was on the coaster.

"You need something, son?" Harry asked without taking his eyes off of the document he was reading then glanced at his laptop screen typing something.

"I brought you something to drink and...and I was wondering if you want to spend time with me today, we could play football or go watch a movie." Elijah said getting excited at the thought of spending time with him before going back home.

"I have too much work, maybe tomorrow." Harry said without so much of a look directed his way.

"But-" Elijah started getting startled when Nick slammed a door making him jump a little and spill the water all over his father's documents.

His eyes widened when he saw the mess at the same time Harry sat up to try and salvage whatever he could but by the time he had reacted they were all soaked up in the cold liquid. He took a step back trying to control his breathing feeling his heart about to beat out of his chest relaxing a little when he remembered the same thing happening with his dad Louis a year ago. He had been working on one of his designs and when he had spilled the juice he had brought for his dad all over it, Louis had only smiled.

"You know, if you didn't like them you could have just told me." Louis had joked as he poked his belly as soon as he had seen the tears welling up in his son's eyes.

"I'm sorry." Elijah had apologized still trying to dry them up stopping when his dad wrapped his arms around him into a warm hug.

"Its okay sweetheart, I wasn't fond of them anyway. They're lacking..." Louis had stopped trying to find the right word.

"Detail." Elijah had giggled feeling a thousand times better.

"Detail!" Louis had snapped his fingers kissing his son's forehead before letting go to clean up while telling him he really didn't like them that much. 

"I'm sorry." Elijah apologized taking a step forward only to take two back when Harry looked at him with the angriest expression he had ever seen.


"But I-" 

"AND HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU THAT IF I DON'T HAVE TIME TO SPEND IT WITH YOU ITS BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE TIME! NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU AND YOUR STUPID IDEAS THAT NO ONE CARES ABOUT, GODDAMMIT!" Harry interrupted pushing Elijah away from him making him stumble a few steps back then went back to try and dry the documents failing to notice the sharp intake of breath Elijah took as his eyes filled with tears feeling his chest aching in a way it had never ached before. 

Just Say You Love Me, Just For Today (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now