Chapter 9

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What all of you have been waiting for. Enjoy and tell me what you think! :)

The next day Louis was a mess running around and cursing himself for not packing the night before while the twins were ready to go. He would walk around not getting anything done until Zayn ordered him to sit down and packed everything himself and by the time he was done they only had two hours to get to the airport.

"I'm going to miss you all and I'll see you there in two days max." Zayn said as he helped them unload everything out the trunk of his car.

"Thanks for the ride mate, I'll call you when I get there...preferably when I find somewhere to stay." Louis hugged him while his sons patiently waited and as soon as he let go both of them hugged Zayn telling them their goodbyes.

They walked towards the bag-drop kiosk to drop their bags off since Louis had already checked them in and printed off their boarding passes. They got through security control without any problem then almost half an hour later boarded the plane with Louis sitting on the side letting Elijah sit in the middle and Jonah on his other side by the window. 

Louis couldn't help but notice Elijah frowning ever since they had gotten to the airport knowing it was because he didn't want to go and would rather stay in London. He closed his eyes hoping for everything to go well and for Harry to listen to what he had to say unaware that Harry was minutes away from giving up not knowing where their son could be.

"Why do we have to go back? Dad, I don't want to go there ever again." Elijah whispered as soon as Jonah had fallen asleep.

"Because I have to talk to your dad and he has to know both of you are fine, especially you since you're a runaway now." Louis winked at him managing to make him smile a little.

"I didn't mean to. When- As soon as he knows I'm fine can we go back to London? Jonah is coming with us." Elijah said.

"What about your dad? Don't you want him to come with us too?" Louis asked frowning when Elijah looked away.

"He can stay where he lives, we can be happy without him...we were, and now Jonah too will be happy with us." Elijah finally looked at Louis, "Why did you marry him? He's not nice, he's a bad person."

"Sweetheart, that's not tru-"

"I'm tired, going to take a nap." Elijah interrupted him turning away from him then closed his eyes leaving Louis completely flabbergasted. 

It only fueled his fury towards Harry even more when Elijah seemed reluctant to see Harry again and had the impression that he was a bad person. The only bad person there was himself after all he had done to Harry.

The flight felt like an eternity and when they got to Los Angeles they were somehow well rested after sleeping through the entire flight. Louis sighed in relief when he found a cab as soon as they had claimed their bags letting Jonah give the cab driver the address, he kept feeling dizzier the further away they got from the airport meaning they were closer to Harry.

When they got to the house Jonah who had let Elijah sit in between them was quick to enter the code to let them in quickly putting his arm around Elijah. Louis who was a nervous mess didn't even bother nor care to look at the perfect manicured lawn or the enormous and beautiful house until the cab stopped in front of the house and the driver got out to retrieve their bags after Louis had paid him. 

Time seemed to completely stop when Louis saw him running out of the house followed by his family and three other women and a man he didn't know as Harry tried to look inside to see who it was. He had changed a lot throughout the years, he seemed much taller and broader since the last time he had seen him and his hair was longer. He couldn't help but notice his eyes were swollen and red wondering if it was because of what he had done to their son Elijah and him running away but in that moment he only wanted to give him a piece of his mind.

Just Say You Love Me, Just For Today (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now