What if Uther found out about Merlin's magic? Part 2

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Back to Merlin's pov

He could barely comprehend what was happening. First Arthur explained that Uther died from Agravaine and then punched by the man for days and then Arthur finds out about his magic.  Even more incomprehensibly was that Arthur was protecting him and even hitting Agravaine. 

Neither could he believe that he was taking him out of his hell hole. Even after Arthur took care of him, Merlin was not sure what to do with this. Of course, he tried to say something but each time he felt the full-blown fear of being punished for talking.

A reason why he was even with Gaius silent. It was irrational, that fear as he knew that his father figure would never harm him, yet he still got terrified. Even letting him do as he pleases, as checking out his health and the concern that was given to him was clear to him that he knew that he was not fine.

"Merlin, who did this to you? Was it Arthur perchance?"

He blinked and then shook his head fast. The male has done nothing but shows kindness and care to him. A thing he did not expect even as Arthur was for sure hurt about his secret reveal. Yet still, he could see that Gaius was not fully believing him.

"Ag-Ag-Agvraine..." He shakily answered and shuddered as he could not get anything more out.

Just one word brought him instantly full-blown panic. A panic that was irrational and it took a lot for Gaius to manage to calm him down. Even after he was calm, Merlin continued latching onto his father figure. He missed him dearly and needed physical affection.

The male did not mind continuing to hold him and as the door opened he could see that Arthur was rather angry about something. His body tensed and he hid instantly his face in the side of his father.

"My father is lucky that he's dead or else I would have killed him myself and Agravaine will also get what he deserves, that much I can promise you." Arthur still sounded furious, which he had never heard before.

Making him peak out and blink owlishly as not expecting this at all. Yes, Arthur promised him not to harm him at all, and so far he held that promise even now. But still telling him that he would have killed Uther, was making him know that Arthur was really not going to harm him.

He slowly sat up and hugged himself, even when he wanted to continue holding onto Gaius, Merlin knew that he could not. His father had other things to do.

"Good, because when you did not punish Agravaine then I would have probably smacked you behind your head for being a biased dumbass." Gaius pointed out and Arthur blinked before looking at the male with an unimpressed expression.

"You know me well enough that I would not let injustice go, even when the baffoon has magic." Arthur shrugged and Gaius glanced at him and then back at Arthur.

"I see, so you seem to know that he has magic then sire? What will you do now?" That was a question that he had too and Arthur let out a sigh.

"I will execute him probably in front of the council and then try to see how to change the laws. But I will need time to figure out what to do with that information that you hid from me." Arthur gave a pointed look and he shrunk down shuddering.

"He was scared as you can see from how he looks. Not to mention you were taught to hate magic." Gaius interrupted and Arthur let out another sigh.

"That is what I assumed was why he hid it, but it does not change what he did. It will take time for me, but I will not punish him after all he is in no way evil."

He stared widely not expecting this but relaxing further as he was now sure that he would not get hurt by Arthur. The male was genuine-looking and concerned for him and he wanted to say anything, yet even now nothing wanted to get out.

"So Gaius what exactly is your expertise?"

"Okay, so he has bruises, two ribs are for sure at least sprained and he will need to slowly start gaining muscle mass. Also a regime of starting to slowly eat more. So at least three small meals and two snacks in between. Until he is fully healed bed rest and no too straining activities."

"He's lucky that Agravaine is not there or I would have punched him again." There was a growl heard and he shrunk down.

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