Merlin alone part 2 of 2

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Merlin is confused. It was not because of people vanishing no, that was something that he weirdly enough got used to. It was rather how should he say soothing for him as he could just use magic without worrying about being found out. Yet he still felt slowly more lonely. It was nothing new as he felt that not many understood his struggles.

He had often talked with Mordred and Morgana after they talked it out. Both knew his struggles the most. Though at the same time not, he was different and this showed with Merlin being able to pull out animals from thin air, without any struggles. Morgana and Mordred were well with magic, but he knew that his magic was different as he didn't even need spells at times to use his gifts.

A sigh overcame him and missed his owl. He decided to name them Maple. He was not really exactly sure why but he liked it. His brows furrowed as he felt something pulling him away from Camelot. At first, he wanted to ignore this as he really wanted to stay here, where he was certain people might appear again. But that pull made him almost impossible not to get to. A reason why he was now heading out of his safe space.

Weirdly enough he felt after a while breathless and that made no sense to him. Usually, this would be no issue with him. Merlin was healthy after all, but he just felt not really too hungry at times. Yes, there was some hunger and thirst but nowhere how it should be.

His brows furrowed at this and pushed this aside as following the pull. The further away he went the more he felt unnerved. Merlin shouldn't have left. It was not safe and his instinct screamed at him. But he pushed it aside as the pull was too much to ignore. A shudder overcame him at the thought of what will be in front of him. But then weirdly enough he landed back in Camelot. It made no sense as he should be outside. This was not good and as he tried to leave again, it was once more him being back in the courtyard of Camelot.

A huff overcame him and he cursed. This was not good and he wished there was a way to leave, but something was stopping him from leaving. Now that he knew that he was unable to escape made him uncertain that anyone would be even able to help him.




Merlin was even after days stuck in Camelot and by now he had cleaned everything he could. Had organized everything, made inventory, and even started to doodle. Yet his owl had yet to come and he was losing hope that anyone would be there. It was probably why he was sulking on his bed. Yet the bed was weirdly enough not really comfortable. Even worse than usual. His appetite did not change either and he knew that he was losing rapid weight. Even thirst was something that did not really change.

He knew that this was not really healthy but there was not much he could do and Merlin felt worried. Hopefully, soon someone would come here and try to help him figure this out. But for now, a nap sounded really nice.

A few hours after they left Camelot

Gwaine stared blankly at Morgana. The female looked concerned and he was not sure what exactly to do with that information. It was really not good to see her concerned. He was told by Merlin that she changed and that they talked it out with Arthur, but he had doubted this. Until now. Not even Morgana could fake this much concern.

"I have been sent by the lady of the lake."

Gwaine had no idea who that was and neither did it seem the other two. Arthur glanced at him and then at Percy and he could just give a puzzled look back.

"She was the girl you knew as Freya and found Merlin through the ghosts. He needs help and that quickly. Not even I found what is wrong with him and I won't going to lie to you, he looks bad."

He instantly got full-blown concern for his friend. Arthur froze and instantly ended up telling Morgana to bring them to him.

"I should have known that you care for him that deeply don't you?" Morgana wryly said and he saw Arthur give her a blank stare.

"Not now." It was snapped and Morgana raised an eyebrow at the king who clearly lost their cool.

Merthur and Merlin 2 one-shot bookWhere stories live. Discover now