Two idiots in love (also magic reveal)

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Merlin knew that soon this might escalate. It was not surprising with how desperate Morgana got and all he could feel was sorrow for her. Even after everything she did, there was no hatred toward her. Merlin was probably one of the only people that could understand her the most. Because he could have ended up the same way but choose a different path.

It was also why he knew that Arthur might die. The thought alone made his skin crawl and fear gripped him tightly. There was no way that he would let this happen, a reason why he was going to do everything he could do in his might.

"Arthur wait." He called out to his king.

The person that was on the other side of the same coin. It was ironic that now that he knew that they might die that he realized that he should tell him. Gwen clearly had known or else she might not have implied that the king was in love with him. Though he denied this.  A shiver went through him as looking at the intensity of the gem-blue eyes. They reminded him of the most gorgeous blue-colored stone that he has seen.

"Merlin you know that we have no time, so make this quick."

He opened his mouth knowing that now was the time to say the thing that Merlin so desperately wanted to say. It was after all the only time that he could do it before it might be too late. The thought alone of Arthur dying was heartwrenching and he hoped that this will not happen.

"I love you." That was not what he wanted to say and his entire face started to heat up for a sure bright red hue.

The king paused staring at him and then after a minute straight, there was this smirk that he had seen so many times. But also a softness that Merlin had so often seen given to him. Most of the time it was when they were alone and seeing that softness with the smirk made him uncertain of what now would be said.

"Oh, is that so?" The tone was curious and yet the softness stayed.

It made his insides melt and he felt that particular fluttering that he got whenever Arthur looked at him this way.

"Yeah, but not what I planned on saying." He mumbled looking at him sheepishly almost shyly yet he would deny that he felt shy. There is no way that Merlin would feel shy for the prat, nope not at all.

"Merlin, get on with you, we both know that we do not have a lot of time left."

He winced knowing this and he took a deep breath as paling slightly. It would be the last chance to tell him and maybe the king would accept him.

"Don't be mad at me, I..." He paused unable to look at Arthur. He was knowing exactly that he will feel betrayed by this.

"I was born with something and am different than others. I- I think I am the embodiment of magic itself." He carefully stated not certain what the reaction would be.

There was a silence and the eyes bore into him with even more intensity than before. Merlin feared that this might destroy all of the friendship and his chance to be accepted but he could not continue hiding this. Not when he had told him about his crush on the other man.

"Oh, for fucks sake Merlin. Could you not have told me this earlier." The tone was exasperated and frustrated. Yet the hurt was apparent and making him wince.

His gaze slowly shifted upwards, and he could just watch the expression Arthur be resigned, yet also a mix of softness and hurt. It caused him to swallow knowing that the king was probably not going to understand this, there was also this tension that he noticed in the body language that Arthur held.

"I am sorry." That was all that he could choke out.

Merlin had expected to be hated but this was worse. This felt as if someone had stabbed him repeatedly in his heart and then ripped it out. There was a sigh heard and he could just wonder what Arthur would do with that information now.

"Fucking hell Merlin as always you know how to throw me off. Why now? Why did you not say it years ago?"

He ducked his head in shame and the uncomfortable feeling overcame him. Merlin did not know what his reaction would be, and he feared that Arthur might have killed him. The man had been taught after all about magic corrupting his kind.

"Because I-" He swallowed and felt tears build up. He hated causing Arthur to feel this way.

He swallowed and even when he wanted to stop the tears they were flowing down on his cheeks. Merlin could not stop them, feeling too sorrowful. It was not often that he cried in the open, in private there were days that he cried himself to sleep, overwhelmed by the weight on his shoulder, and the fear and sorrow of imagining this made it at times just too much.

"I-I didn't want you to choose between your father and me. I-I also wasn't sure what you would do and I just did not want you to put you to that decision."

There was another silence and he feared what the king would do with this. His head went down as he heard footsteps. Merlin tensed waiting for pain or being yelled at for anything then what came next? Two pairs of arms suddenly were wrapped around him and he could just freeze for a moment, as it came out unexpectedly.

His brows furrowed and he wondered why he got a hug and was not being yelled at. Merlin should be yelled at after all he had hidden this.

"Should have known, you dumbass."

He blinked at the fond tone that came from Arthur and then slowly wrapped his arms around him. As it was not often that Arthur was hugging him. Nor was he the physical type of person. It was why he was surprised but now that he got that hug, it made him realize that this was bitterly needed.

"I- I am sorry."

"Don't. Always know that you would put others first, so not surprising that you would think this way."

He nodded into the chest and relaxed more feeling the relief that Arthur seemed to be relatively alright with this.

"Now that this is over, we will talk about this after we have won."

Merlin wanted to point out that they might die but decided against it knowing that it would be better to hide his opinion on this. Yet he could not help but fear his crush's death or anyone he holds dear.

"Okay." They pulled away and walked in different directions as Merlin had other things to do. All he could hope was that this was not going to go badly but knowing their luck he was sure that this might turn out horrible and he could just pray for everyone's safety.




He cursed Mordred and Morgana. The two were beyond reasoning any longer. It was why he knew that he would be unable to talk it out with either of the two, even though he wished he could. Both had almost succeeded in killing both of them, yet he managed to somehow get Arthur to lake Avalon. The only reason why he managed to get there fast enough was through the damn dragon and even then, it had been a close call.

He shuddered as pulling Arthur closer to his side, still fearing that the male could die. His gaze watched the fire and glanced at times to his beloved, still unconscious. Then he heard the groan and eyes cracking open and he could just wait with bated breath.

His body instantly relaxed as seeing his eyes open and then a few times there were blinks and he waited for what the man would say.

"Did you-"

"Yeah, wished I would not have to do it."

He answered the question before he could say anything more. Merlin knew what was said and Arthur had a sad look to it, and he knew why. Morgana had been his sister as he felt towards the female and Mordred had been their friend until the betrayal. His heart ached as knowing that there had been no way out of their death in the state they were in.

"I am sorry." That was all that he could say, with tears rolling down his cheeks.

The king gave him a glance, then let out a sigh and gave him a look that said more than words. Forgiveness and acceptance. That alone caused him to relax slightly yet the tears still fell.

"Get your ass down here, so that I can give you a hug, you emotional mess."

He gasped in fake offensive antics and pouting but lay down curling into Arthur, who weakly wrapped himself around him.

"How dare you, am not an emotional mess."

"Of course not my dear idiot of mine."

He blinked before snorting and starting to laugh, and Arthur followed right afterward. He could feel a weight lift over his shoulder knowing that Arthur was not going to act differently now that he knew about his magic or his love confession.

He felt something soft on his cheeks and making him blink and knowing that the male would probably start getting even more affectionate and that was fine with him. Though Merlin would act upon his feelings too, after all the male clearly liked him too, or else he would have not given him a kiss on his cheeks.

"Love you, my cute sorcerer."

"Yeah, yeah love you too cabbage head."

Merthur and Merlin 2 one-shot bookWhere stories live. Discover now