Neurodivergent Merlin 2

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It was a few weeks later since Arthur had found out about him not liking certain types of clothing items and he would be forever grateful that the king decided to make sure that he had clothes that were not making him feel itchy and uncomfortable.




Merlin felt on the brink of another breakdown with how the new knight was acting. It was getting more and more difficult not to start acting up but he knew that it was unbecoming and Arthur would not be pleased but what else should he do when the twat -called Michael- decided that he did not deserve the clothes that had gotten gifted by the king.

Not that he would say it because he knew that Michael would not listen. The man was a bigot and he was pissed and stressed about this. All in all, he wanted the man to stop being that way. He could not figure out why he was so against him.

"Hey mate, what is going on?" Gwaine asked with a careful undertone and he decided to not say anything.

"Nothing, just one of those days."

"That explains it." His best friend mused and he was just glad that he believed it.

But something told him that Gwaine could tell that there was more behind this. However, his best friend also knew that he would not tell him as he was rather stubborn when he wanted to be.

"I do hope that you know that I am there for you."

He gave Gwaine a reassuring smile not wanting to worry him but Merlin also knew that he may have to tell someone about Michael but he was not sure that it would ever work. Michael was, after all, acting differently in front of everyone, making the man's real personality deceive them. After all, typically people would listen to the royal more than a simple servant. Though Merlin doubted that Arthur would ignore what he would tell, he also did not want to cause any more issues than he already had done.




He winced and felt himself being pushed by Michael. The guy was looking rather smug after he saw his wincing. Merlin had no idea what else he could do to stop this. Of course, he could use magic, but that was something that he wanted to avoid.

"So did you learn from your mistake?" The jerk asked and he could only stare blankly at the guy.

"What mistake-" He was planning to ask more but the menacing glare made it clear that he should rather not talk or make things worse.

"Wearing the clothes that belonged to a servant and not the one that looks way too expensive for a nobody that you are."

Once again it was the same argument that the guy had. Michael always tried to stop him from wearing the clothes that were given by Arthur. He knew that when this continued then it may escalate and Merlin also knew that using magic could cause a lot more issues than what he was dealing with right now.

"Excuse me, what the hell are you doing to my friend." Gwaine gritted out and with this Merlin knew he was busted.

"No-" Michael had wanted to say nothing but the narrowed look that his best friend gave made the knight know that it was not him that the question was asked.

"I asked Merlin because you do not deserve to answer any questions not after you being a twat to my best friend."

He snorted at what Gwaine called Michael because this was true and the bully was pissed at this.

"I am not-"

"Zip it." Gwaine interrupted the other again with a harsher glare. "Now I ask Merlin what happened."

His mouth opened and then closed it again. Not sure what to tell Gwaine.

"I see how it is."

"It's not that Gwaine but well I-" He tried to explain but with how much Michael glared at him, it felt as if he was digging himself a deeper hole than before.

The man will for sure do way worse now that he was found out. "Do not worry, I will get Michael to the cells and you go to Gaius, mate."

Gwaine instructed with a clear worried look over at him. Merlin only assumed that his best friend thought he was injured. Merlin was not and he wanted to argue but before he could, Gwaine dragged the guy away as Michael was cursing.

Now he was alone and felt rather panicked. This also may have caused him to run away to hide somewhere instead of going to Gaius.




Merlin shivered as his eyes opened. He realised that in his panic he was rather deep underground where the cells were. Though those cells looked rather old and he despised the smell. It made his skin crawl. Worse was that he had no idea where he even landed himself.

How was it that he had panicked as much? Why did he panic?

There was no way that Arthur or Gaius would be mad at him. They would be pissed at Michael that much he knew, as both were overprotective at times after finding out about his breakdowns. Not only them but his friends in general seemed to agree to be overprotective. It can be a bit annoying at times when he is trying to protect Camelot and sneaking around.

"Ugh, they will never let this one go," Merlin muttered letting out a groan.

His eyes closed and he concentrated on the distinct feel that Arthur had. That was the only person that he could think about right now. Luckily for him, Merlin was able to figure out which way to go. Though it took him at least a few minutes to even grasp which way he should go. Then he rushed away from the dank cell that he had found himself in.




Merlin let out a relieved sigh when he was outside. Though it was a rather cool night and with him having been underground it felt icy. A shiver went over his body and Merlin hurried towards the castle. It was only when he was inside the castle that he realized that there was a commotion going on.

"Are you sure that Michael had been somehow involved with this?" The tone of Leon was said in a doubtful one.

"Then explain to me why Merlin has vanished?" Arthur asked in clear frustration.

"I mean, he could also end up getting lost for all we know?" Gwen came next.

"Really, Merlin getting lost in a castle that he knows in and out by now?" Gwaine made it clear that this could not be the case.

Merlin felt embarrassed at this as it had been true. He got lost somehow. He was not even sure that without his magic he would have gotten his way back.

"Gwen is right, I may have gotten lost." He interrupted them.

All turned their attention to him and he looked sheepish over. "Huh, how could you get lost?" Arthur sounded incredulous at his answer.

"I was rather panicked and well one thing led to another and I landed myself deep where the cells are."

This made everyone give him a once and Gwen walked over and gave him a look before letting out a sigh.

"Let's get you to Gaius. He can check for any injuries you may have gotten and then you're going to stay close to the fire."

Merlin wanted to argue against Gwen as he was feeling fine. A bit cold but fine nonetheless. But the look that Arthur gave him made him pout and let himself be dragged by Gwen to his father figure.

The man gave him one look over before giving him an exasperated look seeing that he was trembling. The reason for that was because he was still a bit cold. What was also noted was that he had a bruise that looked rather painful. Though Merlin did not feel it much, a bit of soreness was manageable with how many times he got injured.

So, it ended up with him being watched over in Gwen and Arthur's room as they wanted to make sure that he was getting warmed up. It was only after that they made sure that no one would ever treat Merlin the way that Michael had done. The man was getting thrown out of the knighthood and even banned from ever appearing back to Camelot. 

A/N any suggestion on what else I should add to this? I hope you enjoyed this and hope to see you in my next one-shot. 

Merthur and Merlin 2 one-shot bookWhere stories live. Discover now