Merlin meets the Joker part 3 (Dc xover)

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His eyes snapped open and he stared as seeing someone watching him in the dark. It scared the shit out of him, yet the person did not attack and he could not make out who it was. Only after he turned on the light and then he stared. What the heck does Robin do here?

"Do you... need something?" He asked with hesitation.

"Yes." The tone was clipped.

"Okay?" He was confused because why would Robin appear?

"You are to blame that our family had a talk."

Merlin stared before realising what this was about. "Did Hood tell you that it was me or are you just putting the blame on me?"

Robin tsked and he folded his arms together waiting with an raised eyebrow. This child reminded him of Arthur when they first met. Though probably way stabbier than Arthur. His

a friend never had stabbed him but had thrown things at him.

"I know it was you, what gave you the right to butt into family matters?" The tone was angry and Merlin glared at the child.

"You forget your tone."

The boy opened his mouth but he gave a warning look. "I get it, I really do. But do not take your anger at me for your own faults."

After all, Robin had attacked someone. The reason was, he could not really know only that probably once more Thalia had meddled and that pissed him off.

"Let me ask you something, why did you attack him?"

Robin stared a moment before folding his arms. "He was in the way of getting robin, as I was promised to gain it."

"Who was it that told you this?" He asked.

"My mother explained to me that-"

"Thalia is not the right person to ask. Have you made sure that everyone agreed to this, and I am not talking about attacking the person who was robin at that time."

"But it-"

"No, once again I am telling you, have you asked for the person who was robin?" He asked with a pointed look.

"No, but I am the superior robin."

Merlin snorted. "What you are is a brat and that makes you not superior. You did not ask the other person who was robin before you. Essentially you took it."

"I did not, Nightwing gave it to me."

"And has he asked the robin before you?"

The mouth opened before Robin shook his head. "So what gave you the right to attack him? You two are not getting out of this."

Robin gritted his teeth and clearly would have attacked him but Merlin could see that the boy held it in probably knowing that Hood would not like this.

"I get it, but you throwing a temper tantrum is not the right way to go. How would you feel when someone suddenly appeared and did the same thing you did to the other person?"

There was silence. "Would you like it?" He asked and Robin huffed and looked sulky.

"No, but-"

"Nope, no but. The person got harmed by you and that's not okay. How about you try putting yourself in his shoes? When you do that, come back and not before." He warned and Robin looked angry before storming off.

After he was sure that he was alone he felt more relaxed. Because Merlin knew that others would be appearing, he dreaded meeting anyone else.




The next person that broke into his place was Red Robin. He was in the middle of cutting some vegetables.

"So you're the person who made the demon brat start acting weird."

He cursed and cut into his fingers. "Jesus Christ." He hissed.

"Oop, my bad did not think it would startle you that bad. Thought you would be used by now."

He let out a grumble. Just because Jason constantly appears does not mean that he was sued to be jump scared.

"Let me help you." It was softly said he was soon in front of someone who fitted the description of Red Robin. The young adult/tee(?) was instantly somehow helping clean his wounds and putting a bandage on them.

"Um, thank you." He awkwardly said that he had not expected someone to break into his apartment but should have known.

With Hood constantly entering that way Merlin should not have gotten that badly jump scared but he did. His gaze shifted at Red who gave him a thoughtful expression.

"You need to specify what you meant by demon brat."

Red paused before folding his arms together. "Robin acted weird and asked me a bunch of uncomfortable questions."

His eyes blinked. "What questions are they?"

Red looked uncomfortable. "He asked me to do things with him. But more like really with threats, or they sounded rather threatening to me."

Merlin snorted and then started to chuckle. It was not something that Red liked to hear but he could not help himself. He was not even surprised that Robin acted that way.

"Did he threaten you with stabby time?" He asked and Red gave him a blank stare. At least that was what he could assume with how his expression looked like.

"How do you even know?"

"He seems like a stabby person to me so.." He shrugged.

"Of course he is, but that does not explain the sudden interest. It's creeping me out."

"Have you maybe thought that he wants to make it up to you?"

There was a silence before he continued talking. "Why would he?"

"Because I told him that what he did was not right and that he should put himself into his shoes."

Red instantly let out a groan. "How did you even manage to get away with that?"

"Let's just say I have met my fair share of arrogant prat's and decided to act the way I usually do. I also thought it may help you."

There was a sudden feel of eyes on him and as he looked outside his instinct had told him that he was being watched.

"Great so we may get a visit soon." He grumbled out and Red looked outside tensing up.

Soon someone entered the place and he could only let out a groan. Of course, it was a big bad bat.

"What do I have the pleasure of dealing with Mr. Batsy?"

By this point he regretted it. But Merlin had to open his big mouth and now he was dealing with the family situation. Only because he wanted them to start talking to each other like fucking adults should.

"You have meddled with our family and I do not like that."

Red tensed more up and he could not blame the teen for this. He let himself relax because tensing up would not be the best idea.

"Then act like a father would instead of being a dumbass. Having fights is alright but the fact that Red got hurt by Robin and kind of ignoring it won't make it go away." He huffed out because he was pretty sure that the man was the father of the group of bat children (yes as well as talking about the adults that have a bird/bat theme) and Batman grunted and glared at him.

"Your glare is not even terrifying. I had worse glares. I also believe that not talking it out with each other will cause you to lose them."

"How would you even know?" Red asked and he pressed his lips together and slumped down.

"I-" Merlin paused before continuing, "I talk of experience. Hurt the person who mattered the most to me by hiding things and ignoring their plea for help. So, I know exactly what I am talking about." He shrugged at the end but saw that he was not comfortable talking about this.

"Batman we need to talk," Red said with a wary undertone and he could tell that it would not be a conversation that was something good.

"Hn." The man grunted before leaving seeing that he was not going to let anything like that happen again.

"Well, guess I will have that talk. I will see you." Red said before he was alone again and feeling drained. This was just not something that he expected. Hopefully, this would not be too bad, but he knew his luck and because of this, he was prepared for everything. 

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