Merlin has an accident part 2 of 2

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Merlin knew with this that the man was not going to let Uther continue with this and it worried him a lot. This had not been his intention and as always the prat was going to do whatever he wants and not thinking of the consequences.

It worried him that Arthur was doing this and the fact that Arthur was going that far was making his heart warm but also concern bloom in him, as he would be unable to do much. Even with Mordred trying to reassure him. It was not really working too well, and he ended up tensing up many times.

This was going on for hours and the wait for any answers was making him want to go to Arthur to make sure that he was alright. The man was someone that he had fallen for, and he could not do this alone.

Merlin needs Arthur and having him out there god knows what doing, was distressing. His brows furrowed and he felt tears build up. After all, he had just seen Arthur after a week and it was unbearable. Not to mention how much care he gave him as he helped was not helping his distress.

"Come on he's fine." Mordred once more tried to reassure but both knew that there was nothing that could tell him for sure how well he was.

Then the door was opened and he tensed but looking at relieved as seeing Arthur. To his surprise, he was wearing his battle gear and making him stare at him. The prince looked exhausted but otherwise unharmed.

"Prat why in gods name would you just leave me alone after we saw each other?" He huffed out feeling even worse than before and it was not helping that he was crying.

"Shit, I did not plan on making you cry."

He sniffled more and he was just relieved but also surprised, to have himself be pulled into the chest of Arthur. He snuggled into the arms letting his magic roam to make sure that there was no injury.

"See told you your clotpole is fine."

He huffed out and stuck his tongue at the younger adult. Yes, he knew that this was rather childish but he could help himself because he had been worried. He also sulked as he did not feel being taken seriously.

It took a while for him to calm down and when he did, he looked up at Arthur who gave a thoughtful expression.

"Mordred I need you to tell my sister that I plan on bringing magic back into Camelot and would need her input."

He was surprised at this as Morgana had countless times tried to kill them. But this also showed that the king -at least that was what he assumed Arthur was now- would try to change the laws.

"Of course, I will also bring the druid leader as we both know he would want to have his input on this too, sire." Mordred answered.

"Ah, of course. Make sure that Morgana is not going to try to harm anyone in our kingdom." He warmed the man knowing exactly that she might have tried that.

"It will be done, sire." With this Mordred left and he was now alone with Arthur, and realizing that he was alone with his crush in his arms.

He could feel his cheeks heat up and burying his face onto his neck not wanting to have Arthur see his blush.

"Merlin you alright?"

He snapped his head up and wanted to tell him that he was alright, and now shy about this entire situation. Merlin had no idea how to handle this and so he instantly ducked his head, trying to avoid looking at Arthur.

"Awe is there someone shy?" Arthur teased and he pouted giving him a narrowed looked.

"Do you want me to make you have some donkey ears?"

There was a pause after he said this and glancing down, Arthur blinked, and then a realization hit him.

"Do you have anything to do with at that time?" Arthur asked with an eyebrow raised and he shuffled around shaking his head.

"Nope, but a goblin tried to stop it but I can tell you that I will when you don't stop teasing me." He grumbled out Arthur chuckled as giving him a hair ruffle and then a kiss on top of his head.

Causing his heart to flutter and cheeks to heat more up.

"I cannot help myself, when you look adorable this way."

He gaped as Arthur had never called him adorable and spluttered as he was not adorable but manly.

"I have you know, prat I am manly." He folded his arms together.

"Sure." The doubtful tone was making him pout more as he was manly.

"But I am."

"I agree with you, my adorable butterfly."

He blushed more and wanted to protest even further but the knock on the door interrupted him and made him wonder who was knocking.

"Come inside," Arthur called out and he wanted to argue that someone entered and saw them in a compromising situation.

The door opened and he watched weary Leon enter. The man looked at the two and he feared that he would say something that could cause issues.

"What do you need Leon?"

"I just wanted to tell you sire that everything was taken care of."

He was surprised that Leon has not said anything about them being together in bed and cuddling.

"Good, anything else you would need to tell me?"

There was a pause before Leon talked with hesitation. "You sure about the plan?"

He blinked having no idea what Arthur had planned and feeling a bit wary as he did not think that this could go well.

"Yes, and no one can stop me from doing that." Arthur huffed out and Leon let out a sigh glancing at him before shaking his head with a clear amusement.

"Then you better tell him, before he might think you are going to do something stupid." Leon teased and Arthur gave him a glance before raising one eyebrow at what was said.

"I will but first he needs rest and then I will talk about the plan I had," Arthur said he wanted to tell him that he did not need rest but wanted to know what was planned, but the prat was not budging and so he ended up being forced to sleep, which was not that easy but he did as it was getting rather late.

It was the next morning that the clotpole explained that he was going to make him the court sorcerer and that he would make sure that there would be a spell invented that would make it possible for him to be able to walk again. This was astonishing as he did not expect this and he wanted to decline him being the court sorcerer but decided against it after the reason was told to him. After all, Arthur explained that he trusted him the most of everyone so there's that.

Another change came with Mordred arriving back not just with Morgana but also with the druid leader. He was dragged into the meeting even when he wanted to stay out of this, but in the end, he was glad to be there. It showed that Arthur was not leaving him anytime soon and he knew that it had to do with him being unable to walk.

Even when the prat was not saying it out loud, it was obvious that the man worried for him. Which was why he was somewhat glad to be involved in this. The meeting was first rather tense because of Morgana and him.

But then they talked it out and it was going smoothly. Magic finally would come back and with this, he was able to use that spell that Mordred had told him about. It was frustrating but at least he could move without having to be carried constantly. Even when it was exhausting. 

A/N A quick update, No idea when I will write something new.  I have been fully immersed in breath of the wild. When I have inspiration for new one shots I will for sure continue on writing. Lucky I still have a bit more prewritten things left. I also am tempted to write a one shot where Merlin ends himself in that universe, so will see. Have a nice day and hope you enjoyed this.<3

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