A bad night

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It had been years since Arthur's death and even as he came back, Merlin still had these bad night terrors about the death. Yet it was not always this way, sometimes it was mixed about the bad things that he had gone through. Those that he never wanted to remember but did. It was something that he hid and so far Arthur had not really asked questions, but he could tell that the man knew somewhat, what was going on, even without him telling the other about his issues.

It was probably why he often brought him small tokens, like the softest dragon plushie that looked toothless or something sweet that he enjoyed. What was even weirder for him was when Arthur made him food that he somehow managed to cook without help. How he did this was a mystery as he knew that in the past Arthur never was good at cooking. Even weirder was that the taste reminded him of his favorite food that was made by his mother.

That was strange and Merlin knew exactly that Arthur usually would never have been able to do this, which was why he assumed Arthur had help with this. When asked he gave him a proud smug smirk and mentioned that in the lake he had been able to learn cooking with his mother.

Which he had not expected and made him realize that this place that Arthur had been was for sure not just with his mother but with other people. Which caused his heart to ache. Merlin missed everyone and he wished he could meet them, but he knew that this was not going to be possible with him being unable to die.

That alone made his mood sour and saddened. Merlin knew that he would never meet them probably and he hated this fact. It was perhaps also why his nightmares had gotten worse and he barely could be able to sleep at times. This time Arthur must had enough one evening as he was looking at him one minute, before folding his arms together and giving him a full-blown concerned expression, that he had not often seen.

"What, prat?" He grumbled out, feeling the exhaustion getting to him.

"Why do you look like having a nonexistent sleep?"

He opened his mouth wanting to argue that he had slept enough but saw the eyebrow raise from doom. One that someone he knew too well had given him often by Gaius. He let out a sigh.

"I dunno what you mean." He winced at the exhaustion that was dripping from his voice.

Arthur clearly realized that he was knowing what he meant and this was why he let out a sigh and shrunk down.

"Okay, fine have bad nightmares." Arthur pressed his lips together and then gave him a look over before dragging him to bed.

"You will take a nap and I will take no from you." It was said with a warning tone, making it clear that Arthur would not take any no from him.

He let out a sigh and decided that it was better not to argue not with how exhausted he was. Which was why he was letting himself be softly put under the bed and Arthur to his surprise following him and pulling him closely to his chest.

"Rest, and then we will talk." It was softly said and he pouted. Yet done as Arthur told him to do.

It was since then that he often ended up slipping into the room of Arthur, and him waking up pulling him into his chest and Merlin falling asleep. Weirdly enough he slept better having Arthur with him and this showed as he had not often nightmares. But when he did on bad nights they stayed awake, cuddling into each other's chest and softly talking until both fell asleep.

In these mornings Arthur always was giving him soft touches, like going through his hair, kissing his forehead, or hugging him from behind whenever he was cooking something and peaking over his shoulder. Yet he never mentioned when this happened and for that, he was grateful for. 

A/N a little bit something. I still have not really gotten any new ideas. I might try to write them when you guys have some. Hope you have a fantastic day or whatever time zone it is for you all. 

Merthur and Merlin 2 one-shot bookWhere stories live. Discover now