Merlin meets the Joker part 2 (Dc xover)

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It had been almost two weeks since the entire Joker thing and Nightwing decided to target him with bad puns -he's not better really- and knew what he does to his bi-sexual ass. To make this even worse, Arthur always looked at him and Nightwing and furrowed his brows.

"So Nightwing huh?" Arthur asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No idea what you mean, little star."

The boy gave him a huff and folded his arms. It looked adorable on him and by this point, Arthur was a little brother to him.

"I know that you like him. Which is gross but I can tell." For a three-year-old, almost-four-year-old said, the boy knew way too much.

"How can you even know that I like him that way? Also aren't you too young to figure out something like that?"

Arthur gave him one look and it suddenly reminded him of those looks that his friend always gave him whenever he figured out that Merlin was trying to hide something.

"Know because even in this life you are a dumbass."

He stared before realizing that Arthur clearly now remembered and god was that weird to hear a three-year-old say this.

"Ah, when did you start to remember?"

Arthur gave him an eyebrow raised thinking he was trying to avoid that topic.

"After Joker did what he did."

His eyes stared at the boy before slumping down. It was just his luck that Arthur would remember.

"Okay, well um I guess but he's not really someone I know personally, and um..." He tried to say something but he felt like he was digging himself into a deeper hole than before.

"Hah, knew it. Now my friend Gwaine owes me 5 bucks."

He froze, not understanding how Gwaine was suddenly on that topic. "Arthur."

"Don't look at me that way, Gwaine does not remember but is pretty sure it's him."

He let out a sigh and shook his head. "Of course, he doesn't remember and of course you two bet on my love life. Like aren't you two way too young for this and when did you even leave this place?"

Arthur shuffled around clearly knowing that he was not agreeing to this. This was not Camelot which was a bit safer than Gotham. It worried him that they were alone.

"Do-Don't worry was with his mom at his place."

"But why would you two bet on me when he never saw me?"

"I talk about you and well he bet that you are straight but I told him there ain't no way with how you looked at certain knights in our time and adding with Nightwing made sense to me."

He blinked before chuckling. It was not something that he ever realised but it was true he always felt attracted unknowingly towards both genders.

"To be fair I have never really thought about this until seeing him when he first visited and he's really nice and also his stupid puns are making me laugh at times. There is also him checking up on me and on the children." He shrugged helplessly and Arthur snorted.

"Oh, you have it bad." Only now did he hear Hood's voice -the man still wore his stupid red helmet making it impossible to see what he was feeling- teasing him.

"Mhm, he's liking the guy a ton."

He blushed more at this. "Not helping Arthur." He grumbled.

"Heh, who is the one that you have the hots for."

He grumbled because saying things like that was not something you should do in front of children but also this was Arthur and he's on the inside an adult so it should be fine.

"No one." He quickly said but Hood bore his eyes into his face.

The only reason why he knew was because this had happened many times when he tried to hide something from the man. Somehow he always knew when he tried to do this.

"Come on Myr don't be that way," Hood said teasingly and he felt like he was in a gossip group with how Arthur looked at him.

"Okay fine, Nightwing alright." He huffed out.

Hood was silent before there was a grumble heard. "My brother, really?" Which was barely something he could understand when this was said.

"You-you are brothers?" He squeaked out because this was not ideal.

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