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This was not the first time that he got reincarnated. At least he was not alone but with Gwaine and Lancelot. This made it bearable or god knows how he would have dealt when he had not gotten the two with him. Merlin was sometimes amused at what they got reborn as. Not just as women but also at times animals. 

In each life, they start to remember slowly. Yet this life sucked even more than the last one where he was frail and often sick because of his immune system being bad. At least in each life, he had magic and it helped a lot. But this life was worse in his eyes, after all, he was unable to walk. Making him feel slumped and even though he got used to this, it was still hard. It was as if the higher powers wanted to mess specifically with him.

At least he was not alone, or else Merlin was not sure he would be able to continue with that cycle of rebirth. This made Lancelot and Gwaine -who were funnily twins in this life- overprotective even more than they usually were.

They're looks changed slightly, with his eyes looking more like a night sky with how dark they are. Even some swirls of gold were seen and showed his magic trait once more. His hair stayed the usual. What was more apparent were his freckles which usually were almost unnoticeable when someone would not look closely.

Even Gwaine and Lancelot were not fully looking like they used to. Though Lancelot has more of Gwaine's curled hair and the skin color is a mix between Gwaine and Lancelot. Either way, it was still obvious to those who knew them who they were.

Then again Merlin was not sure that they would know that it was them as their looks still had changed enough that it might be difficult for anyone to know.

Merlin was not only because of his disabled self depressed, as neither of their friends had yet to show themselves in either of their lives. Making him believe that his friends probably will never show themselves and that caused his heart to ache. Worse, he might never see Arthur anymore.

"Come on, little brother, don't look so sad." Gwaine's voice brought him out of his depressed thoughts.

"Shut it, Gwaine." He grumbled out, not in the mood to talk.

"I told you to leave him be, dumbass." Lancelot huffed out and he let out a sigh and slumped more into himself.

Merlin wished that they would be back in their first life where things were less that way. Where they were not over and over reborn and unable to see any of their friends. It was a frustrating thing. Not only were they over and over reborn but never once had their friends appeared. That alone pained him even more.

"Come on, I like Merls more when he smiles." Gwaine pouted at the end and made him let out another sigh.

"Don't care." He grumbled out.

His mood was one of those times when it was foul. Merlin knows that taking it out on the two was unfair, but he couldn't help but feel that way. It also was not helping that his father was doing something shady. What it was, Merlin could not figure out, yet his instinct told him that it was not good.

"You know for a seventeen you shouldn't act that way, son." His father sternly scolded him.

It irked him even more and the twins could see that clearly in his scowl. Their father Johnson had changed since the death of their mother and usually took it out on him. Not physically luckily but mentally.

"Father, just don't. I understand why he is that way." Lancelot told his father off.

"Yeah, you know he has just has an off day, and cannot blame him." Next was Gwaine.

The man scowled at them and walked out of the room. Merlin was grateful for that or else god knows what they would have said. Sometimes their arguments were bad and caused Merlin after he left, to break down. He wished that things in this life would be easier but he also knew that this was now their life. 




Merlin had no idea what had happened. He went to bed a bit earlier, feeling drained from the argument about him being in their father's eyes too dependable on the twins. This made the twins argue back and it exploded into a bad argument.

Causing him to have a mental breakdown and then going to bed at 8. Which was why he was confused about why he was now in a dungeon-like room. A room that reminded him a bit of Camelot. Yet there was at least a bed and a toilet with a sink. That was all that was there.

Merlin knew that this was bad and that he got kidnapped would not go well. Not only was he unable to walk but also unable to fight back. Whatever happened, Merlin could only assume that it had to do with his father. The door opened and made him snap his head in that direction the door got opened.

Merthur and Merlin 2 one-shot bookWhere stories live. Discover now