Losing time

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Arthur's pov

There were a lot of things that Arthur wished had not happened. One of those was when he found out about Morgana's betrayal. It pained him a lot and he could not even blame his sister for this happening. Then there was Mordred whom Merlin was feeling conflicted about, as he had betrayed Arthur as well.

What was worse was that they had many of their friends lost. He almost died that day at the battle of Camlann. So, he was just glad that he survived, and that was only because Merlin used a dragon to get to the lake quickly enough.

Somehow on the way there, Morgana appeared and Merlin ended up killing her. It was something that had to be done even when he did not like it. But it was either his sister who by this point had lost her mind to madness or them. So, he could not blame his friend for acting this way.

It had been a scare even more so when he found out about Merlin's magic. Something that made him still conflicted but he also knew that this was his best friend they were talking about. But there was something off about his friend. The look that was given when he almost died was something he never could get out of his mind.

The man looked traumatized. During the time he was healing, Merlin was sometimes barely there. It was almost as if his mind was far away. He still helped but it was mechanical. His eyes lost all of their shine and looked dull. Almost dead. That much that Arthur had to force Merlin to eat or else he would probably not even eat anything. The man only ate when Arthur ate something and that worried him further because Merlin barely touched his food even when he ate the food.

It terrified him and Arthur needed to hurry to get better because he feared what may happen. What was even more worrying, was the fact that Merlin had said nothing. Even now that it has been almost a week since they were here.

The man might not even be capable of protecting himself. Yet so far they had not been attacked and he was relieved. In his worries, Arthur could not think about anyone else. Sometimes he thought about his friends and wife, but Merlin was someone who worried him sickly.

Then one morning, Arthur woke up and as looking at his friend he stared.

His friend once dark brown hair -that looked almost black- was white. The kind of snow-white color that he had not expected to see. It made Merlin look even paler than the man already had been.

"Merlin, we need to go to Camelot now." He urgently decided.

There was no way that they could continue staying here when Merlin was looking that way. So, even with his injury, he decided to sit up. His wound twinged but luckily not too badly. Whatever Merlin had done to make his wound feel better, made him at least capable of standing up and walking.

As he was trying to stand. Merlin looked blankly at him and then there was this sudden panic noise.

"Hey, I just thought we should try and go back." He tried to reason but Merlin looked even more panicked so he stayed put trying to calm his friend down.

Sadly it was barely working. At one point two pairs of people must have appeared because he heard two people call their names. His head turned to see that it was Percival and Gwaine. Both looked not that healthy either but Gwaine looked the worst out of the two. Clearly, he was injured, hopefully not too bad because Arthur was not sure that his friend would survive the death of Gwaine.

"Okay, since when does Merlin have white hair?" Gwaine sounded tense and he could not even blame his friend for sounding that way.

"Well, remember the dragon that attacked Camelot?" He asked the two knights.

Merlin by this point was calm again, and back receding in his absent state.

"Yes but why do you mention-"

"Simple my dear Percy. Our lovely friend has magic and knows how to call one." Gwaine quipped yet there were these clear worries.

"Well, that is one way to tell me that you know about his magic. So he called the dragon, dragged me on top of the dragon and now we are here with Merlin being I don't even know what to call this." His voice was calm yet at the end he sounded worried sickly.

"That does not explain the white hair, Arthur." Gwaine pointed out and calling his name made it clear that he was serious.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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