Chapter 43

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Back at the Casey Residence:
Matt's POV: Shortly after getting home from the grocery store with Severide, I laughed a bit after the stuff he just told me in the van. More specifically, about what Andy has started doing. It was just adorable and I am so glad that we get to share stories like this with each other. God, I didn't know that having a kid at the same time as my best friend was going to be this fun. "By the way, I still reserve the right to be mad that I can't name my kid Andrew." Kelly laughed when I told him that before going to grab some of the grocery bags from the bag of the van.

"Yeah, yeah. You can use a middle name or something. It's not my fault that you had a daughter." I shook my head when he told me that. "Not that I'd want to have a boy first now that we have Sofia. I swear, that baby girl of mine already has me wrapped around her lil' finger." Kelly agreed and smiled when I told him that. "What do you expect? Her mom has you wrapped around her finger too." I was about to argue with him when he said that, but I knew that was the truth. Gabby does have me wrapped around her finger. Then again, I do love her. "Yeah, no arguing."

I laughed and just agreed with him when he told me that. "I promise. But let's just get inside. I'm sure that the girls are hungry." Kelly agreed with me when I told him that before going to walk towards the front door. And lucky for me, Gabby came to open it for us. "Need any help with the bags?" I shook my head when she asked me that and just smiled. "Maybe just a quick kiss. But that's it." Gabby agreed with me when I told her that and smiled as she put her hands on my chest. She then came to kiss me and smiled. "Just go sit down ok babe? Take a breather."

Gabby agreed with me and smiled. "I'm at least going to help with their bags." That's when Kelly walked up behind me. "Non sense Dawson. Go sit down and relax." Gabby agreed with him and just smiled as she went to walk away so that she could go sit down on the couch. Meanwhile, I walked in and smiled as I went to make my way into the kitchen. Putting the bags on the counter, I smiled as I went to start unpacking them when Severide walked up to me. "Can you unpack it quick? I need to go put this in the guest room." I agreed with him. "I'll come."

Kelly just looked at me when I said that. "I have to set it up still." However, Gabby laughed. "Babe, I already did that. Oh, and I just recently made bottles." I agreed with her and smiled. "Babe, I wanted you to relax while I was gone. Why did you do it?" Gabby just stared at me when I asked her that. "Because I knew that I could. And I didn't want to be treated like some China doll." I agreed with her when she told me that and just gulped. It was true though, I have been treating her with kid gloves since she got home. Then again, she did just give birth.

That's when Stella decided to change the subject. "Kelly, did you put the groceries away right at home?" Kelly agreed with her when she asked. "Yes Stella, I promise that everything is in the right place. I was not going to screw that up." Walking back out from the guest room, he smiled at me. "I'm going to use that crib you already have in there for Andy." I nodded and agreed with Kelly when he told me that. "I am well aware of that." Going to unpack more of the groceries, I smiled at him. "Listen, are we going to start the food right now?" Gabby agreed. "Yes please."

I nodded and just smiled at her when she told me that. "Guess that answers my question." Gabby sighed when I told her that. "Sorry if I'm hungry." I shook my head. "Hey, don't even think that way Gabby. I'm going to make food for you if you're hungry, I promise. That's no problem at all." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "Love you." I smiled and nodded before going to walk over to her. "But first, I need a minute with my baby girl. Where is she?" Gabby smiled when I asked her that before pointing down into her arms. That's when I realized she was feeding her.

"Oh, I didn't even realize." Gabby nodded and smiled. "I have her in the little sling I can use for breastfeeding." I smiled and agreed with her. "And that's another reason why you shouldn't have asked to grab some bags. Babe, you just take care of Sofia right now okay?" Bending down, I went to kiss her again before looking at Sofia. "And tell me when you're done feeding her. I don't care if I'm making supper...I want to burp her." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "I put your sweats on the bed. Just go get changed ok?" I agreed. "After I make us supper. I'm hungry."

Gabby just looked at me when I said that. "YOU'RE HUNGRY!" I laughed when she told me that. "Babe, take a breather. I meant to say that you're hungry. Gabby, you need to laugh a lil'." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I told her that because she knew it was the truth. Taking a deep breath, she went to grab my hand and smiled at me. "Right, of course." Smiling at her, I went to move my hand to her cheek and then went to stroke it with my thumb. I then proceeded to kiss her forehead and just smiled at her. "Take a breath and just relax ok Gabby? I got it now."

Agreeing with me, Gabby smiled as she took a breath before going to rub my hand. "You're the best." I nodded and agreed with Gabby. "I know." Slapping my chest, Gabby shook her head. "Shut up, get changed and then go make supper for us." I smiled before turning to look at Kelly. "That ok with you man?" Kelly agreed with me. "I might grab Andy if that's ok. I can put him in his PJs Stella." Stella shook her head when he offered to go get Andy changed. "Not yet, I'm still feeding him. Afterwards though. Anyways, me and Gabby have plans tonight."

I looked at Stella, a lil' confused when she said that. "And what are those?" Stella laughed. "We're giving each other pedicures. Sorry but, I am tired of having pregnancy toes." Both of our wives laughed after she said that and just agreed. "Honestly, I need my niece to come over more often. Matt is horrible at giving pedicures." I looked at her when she said that. "Excuse me? I did a pretty good job last time I checked." Gabby laughed. "Babe, you got nail polish on my skin...on every single toe! I love you but, only a woman really understands how to do it."

I shrugged and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. "Fine, you get your pedicure...but I get cuddle time with that lil' girl of mine." Gabby agreed with me and smiled. "Good, because we both already made you bottles. I want a bit of girl time. Another reason I wanted them to stay over." I smiled and agreed with her, about to go and kiss her (again) when Kelly stopped me. "If you try and kiss her again, I'm going to walk over there and drag you to your room. Go get changed so that you can help me make supper for the both of them!" 

I agreed with Kelly and smiled. "Can you fill up the pot and get the water boiling for me? And then fill up the sink and start defrosting the shrimps and scallops?" Kelly agreed with me and smiled. "Sure thing, we doing the pasta first?" I agreed. "It takes longer. However, I'm going to do the shrimp and scallops on the BBQ." Gabby smiled when I told him that. "That sounds delicious. Can you get going now? You're making me hungry!" I laughed and agreed with Gabby, smiling at her before going to walk over to our room so that I could get changed before supper.

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