Chapter 57

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An Hour Later - Casey Hospital Room:
Matt's POV: As I walk into me and Gabby's hospital room shortly after getting off of the phone with Chief, I smiled as I walked in to see Gabby sitting in bed with our kids. Well, our daughter and our son-to-be. Yes, it's going to be official tomorrow. But for the next 24 hours (at the most), we had to stay here so the doctors could monitor him. After checking the files, they noticed that the mom used drugs during her pregnancy so...our lil' guy might not have an easy time. God, I love the sound of that. Our lil' guy. Walking up to our bed, I smiled at Gabby. "Our family."

Turning her head, Gabby smiled when I said that. "Do you mind holding him? He refuses to let me hold him." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. "So, I just spoke to the doctors while I was out there." Gabby turned to look at me when I said that. "About what?" I smiled at her. "How we can feed Marcus." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Breastfeeding?" I nodded and smiled. "They said that...if we are going to adopt him, then you can breastfeed him. Start the bonding process. Or you can give him your breastmilk." Gabby smiled and agreed.

Going to walk over to the crib where Marcus was laying down, I went to look at him and just smiled as I went to put my hand on his chest. Going to put my hand on his cheek, I just smiled at him and then went to stroke his cheek with my thumb. "Hi Marcus." Going to pick him up, I smiled as I went to bring him against my chest. Cuddling up to him, I smiled as I felt him just grab my shirt. Going to carry him to bed, I moved to open the covers before going to sit down next to Gabby. I then went to lay back against my pillow with Marcus on my chest.

I already had this attachment to him because I was the one who saved his life. Going to put my hand on his back, I smiled as I went to tug the covers up and smiled at Gabby. Turning to look at me, she smiled as she went to grab my hand. "I swear, this week has just changed our lives forever." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she said that. Going to sit up a bit more, I went to get close to Gabby and just smiled as I went to wrap my arm around her. Doing the same, I then proceeded to put on hand on Marcus' bottom to hold him close to me and rubbed it.

Kissing the top of his head, I just smiled as I kept stroking his bottom with my thumb. This is just incredible and I'm so happy right now. "Do you have any regrets about this?" Gabby shook her head when I said that. "I think that this it's perfect. I mean, our kids are born on the same day. It's as if they're twins." I nodded and agreed with Gabby. "That's because they are twins." That's when I heard Antonio at the door. "Last time I checked, you only had a single daughter." Turning my head, I went to look at Antonio and smiled at him. "Hey Antonio. How are you man?"

Antonio then looked at me when he saw Marcus. "Who's this little guy?" I laughed and smiled when he asked me that. "This lil' guy is Marcus James Casey." Antonio then looked at the both of us. "Ok, you have to explain that one. Last time I checked, Gabby already gave birth to your daughter." I then sighed and looked at him before going to explain the story to him of how I met Marcus...and how we came to the decision to adopt Marcus. And let's just say that it was a story that I truly enjoyed telling. And I'm just hoping that Antonio feels the same way that I do.

Once I finished telling Antonio the story about how we decided to adopt Marcus, he smiled at me before looking at Gabby. "How do you feel about this sis?" Gabby smiled when Antonio asked us that. "I like the idea of us having a son. And honestly, I feel like it's faith. He was born on the same day as Sofia's faith." Antonio smiled and agreed with her when she said that and smiled. "Yeah, I get that. I think that sounds like a great idea. But you're happy about this?" I nodded and smiled when Antonio asked us that. "I have 2 great kids. A daughter and a son."

Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that, going to grab my hand before looking at me. "Yes, yes we do." Leaning in, I went to kiss her and smiled as I went to take it slow with her. That's when I turned to look at Antonio. "Oh, by the way Antonio...we've decided to treat the kids as twins. They are born the same day so...we might as well just treat them as twins. They don't need to know that they aren't biologically related." Antonio agreed with me when I said that and just smiled. "I love that idea. Now listen, I brought you guys some lunch and clothes."

I smiled and agreed with Antonio when he said that. "Thanks, that sounds great." He agreed with me and just smiled when I said that. He then came to walk over to the both of us so that he could give us the food that he brought for us. He then proceeded to look down at Marcus and smiled as he crouched down and looked at him. "He's adorable." I smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "Thanks, I already feel this bond for him. I don't get why but...they always say that when a firefighter rescues a baby whose parents die, they bond." Antonio agreed.

"Ah, so that's why you wanted to adopt him." I smiled and agreed with him before turning to look at Marcus. Bending down, I went to kiss the top of his head and smiled. "And guess what his birthday is?" Antonio laughed. "The same day as Sofia. Matt, you already told me that you guys are going to treat them as twins. You can only do that if they are born on the same day." I smiled and agreed with him when he said that and just smiled at Marcus. "What do you think of his name?" Antonio smiled. "His mom...I mean biological mom picked a great name." I agreed.

"Now, did you already get our bags at home?" Antonio agreed with me and smiled as he went to walk over to Gabby. "Here, I brought your breast pump for you. I know you said that you wanted it." Gabby smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "Yeah, I did. I'm going to need to make bottles since I'm feeding two kids now." Antonio was shocked when Gabby said that. "Wait, you're going to breastfeed Marcus?" Gabby agreed with Antonio and smiled. "He's our son. I'm going to breastfeed him." Antonio smiled and agreed. "Mind if I hold him?" I sighed.

"Sorry Antonio but...he's really scared. He hasn't really let go of me since he became our son." Antonio agreed with me. "He must know that something's wrong." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "Well, I just hope that he can feel better soon. He's safe with us now. And he's going to be home with the both of us." Turning to look at Gabby, I smiled. "By the way, I applied for adoption leave. I get a bit more time." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I told her that. "I'm glad. I'm going to need your help with our two kids after all."

I smiled and just nodded when she said that. "Well listen, I think that this is the time for us to have lunch since I don't want it to get cold." Antonio agreed with me when I said that and just smiled. "Want me to stay or do you just want time alone as a family of 4. Still can't believe that." I bit my lip. "Think maybe you could do us a favor?" Gabby then thought about it. "Shit yeah, we need that." Antonio looked at us. "What?" I then bit my lip. "Double of everything. We need another crib, another car seat..." He agreed and smiled. "How about you give me your keys?"

I smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "You'd really set it up for us?" He nodded and smiled. "Anything for my niece and nephew. You done after this?" I shook my head. "We haven't talked about that yet." Gabby then turned to look at me. "I want to go for one more baby Matt. I want a biological son if that's ok." I nodded and agreed with her when she told me that. "Of course." I then smiled as I turned my head to look at Antonio. Walking over with the food he brought us, he smiled. "You guys are great parents. You deserve one more kid." I agreed.

"My thoughts exactly. But not anytime soon. Now listen, if you don't mind...I'd like to spend some time with Gabby and our kids." He agreed with us and smiled when I told him that. "Of course man. Congrats again on the kids." I smiled and agreed with him when he came to shake my hand. Meanwhile, I went to look at Gabby and smiled at her. "How about we eat and then we can cuddle up to each other in bed? Maybe I can take off my shirt for you." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that, really liking that idea. "Oh, I love that idea." I smiled, agreeing.

Leaning in, I went to kiss her and smiled as I went to take it nice and slow with her. "I love you." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I love you too. Now, let's eat and then we can cuddle." I nodded and smiled when Gabby told me that, going to get our food so that we can have lunch together for the first time since starting our process of adopting Marcus.

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