Chapter 99

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Once Jay and Erin finished having their snack in bed, Erin smiled as she waited for her husband to come back to bed so that they can just hold each other once again. Reaching out for Jay's service dog, Rex, she smiled as she went to rub his head. "Yeah, you like it when you lay down on our bed don't you bud?" Rex then proceeded to bark a bit when he heard his soldier come back into the room. "What's wrong boy? Is mama ok?" Erin laughed as she looked up at Jay and then smiled at him. "I'm fine. I was just rubbing his head as I waited for you to come back to bed."

Agreeing with his wife, Jay just smiled as he walked back up to their bed and set his phone down on his charger. Looking at Jay as he climbed back into bed shortly after he came back to their room, Erin went to get close to Jay and wrapped her arms around him. Grabbing the covers, Jay went to tug them up while also wrapping his arm around Erin. "This what you want to do for the rest of the day?" Erin sighed when Jay asked her that and just looked up into her loving husband's eyes. "I hate this. I hate that I'm keeping you down here...." Jay then went to stop her.

Jay's POV:
When I heard Erin start talking about how she's keeping me down here in our room with her, I right away went to stop her from going down that path. If anybody is keeping me down here, it's my love for Erin. "Hey, you just listen to me ok?" Erin agreed with me when I said that before going to scratch her back. "You're my wife. This is our future child. I don't feel STUCK down here right now. Rather, I feel like this is where I belong. Erin, I want to take care of you because that's my job." Erin agreed with me when I said that before laying her head down on my chest.

Turning my head, I went to kiss her forehead and just smiled because of how comfortable I was right now. Moving my hand to her butt, I smiled because of how happy we both were right now. "How are you feeling after our snack?" Erin smiled. "It's staying down if that's anything." I agreed with Erin when she told me that and smiled. Bending down, I went to kiss her slowly while grinning. Moving my hand to her neck, I smiled as I went to take it nice and slow with her. "I want you to just relax right now okay Erin? You need rest right now. Can you just let me take care of you?"

Erin smiled and agreed with me when I told her that before going to grab my hand. I then went to intertwine our fingers and smiled as I went to kiss her hand softly. "Have I ever told you that I love you more than anything in the entire world?" Erin laughed and just smiled when I told her that. I then went to go to wrap my arm around her head and just went to lean my forehead against hers. Going to kiss her forehead softly, I smiled as I went to run my fingers through her hair and just held her close to me. "Do you want to talk to me while we're here together in bed?"

Erin sighed when I asked her that and went to grab my hand. "I just hate how sick I feel during my pregnancy." I agreed with Erin when she told me that before going to kiss her forehead softly. "I remember how hard it was with Jayson...and I remember how hard it was at work." Erin sighed when I said that and went to stroke my hand with her thumb. "Do you want to talk about that?" Erin sighed and just went to lay her head back down on my chest even more. "I just hate the idea of not contributing for our family." I shook my head when she told me that. "Hey..."

Looking up at me, Erin just looked into my eyes. "Erin, don't even go down that path. I would rather you stay home and rest before you put your life...our daughter's life on the line." Erin agreed with me when I told her that. Going to grab her hand, I proceeded to intertwine our fingers again and just smiled at Erin. "Erin, I'm not going to tell you what to do but...I think it's best if you just take leave babe. It'll take off stress from your body. And remember last time...stress just made your morning sickness even worse. You didn't enjoy the pregnancy."

Erin sighed when I told her that and just agreed with me because she knew it was true. "Erin, I want you to enjoy this pregnancy. And I don't want to have to worry about you at work." Erin agreed with me when I told her that. "So, do you want me to call Hank and ask him to put me on leave?" I sighed and just went to bend down and kissed her softly. "Erin, I think it's for the best. I mean, unless you want to talk about it more first." Erin shook her head. "Remember how I already called my OB from Jayson's pregnancy?" I agreed with her. "She said to do it?"

Hitting Reset (AV) Season 1: Life with a NewbornWhere stories live. Discover now