July 12th

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The Next Morning:
Matt's POV: As I climb back into bed with Gabby this morning shortly after she fed Sofia, I smiled because I was ready to just relax with her for a bit longer. It was still early so, that meant that we had some time to just hold each other close and not worry about our guests. However, all I knew was that they were going to leave this morning. We were hosting Gabby's family tomorrow and I want to just relax with her today. Preferably, I want to do this for the rest of the day. God, this is just so sexy and I think that me and Gabby both know that this is what we want to do together.

Turning my head, I went to kiss Gabby's forehead again and just smiled because this was perfect. "What are you thinking about right now?" Gabby smiled when I asked her that. "Just the fact that I am very comfortable here on my amazing husband's chest." I smiled and agreed with her, gently running my fingers up and down her back. She always liked it when I touched her like this because it made her blush...and that's exactly what I want her to do in this case. If I can make her blush, then I'm going to do just that. Looking down at Gabby, I smiled at her. "Cozy?"

Gabby nodded and just agreed with me when I asked her that. "Yes, and you already know that. But listen, I want to just stay here today. I know we have Stella and Kelly here but..." I shook my head when she told me that. "To tell you the truth, I was thinking the same thing." Going to kiss her forehead, I just smiled as I held her close to me. "Right now, I just want you to relax. I want to hold you close in silence. I know that sounds boring but..." Gabby shook her head when I said that. "Hey, that doesn't sound boring whatsoever Matt. I love that idea." I smiled, nodding.

"Good, because that's exactly what I want to hear. However, just know that I want to start using the wrap we have for Sofia." Gabby looked up at me when I told her that. "Where'd that come from?" I smiled at her. "I had a dream last night." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "It's from Halloween 2021. Sofia's first one where we take her out...and I'm carrying our 2 week old son on my chest in a wrap like we have for Sofia." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I actually love that idea. I especially love the idea of her being on your chest." I smiled and agreed.

"And I love the idea of you being on my chest." Wrapping my arm around her back, I smiled as I went to kiss the top of Gabby's head. "You know, it is our shift today." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "You want to bring her to the firehouse don't you?" I nodded when Gabby asked me that. "Everybody wants to meet her. However, I'm just going to hold her in the wrap we have. Sorry but, I think that's what we need to use for now." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I told her that. "We could ask Kelly and Stella if they wanted to come with us." I agreed, smiling.

"And then, they could leave. I know they just stayed a night but..." Gabby agreed with me and smiled. "No, that's really all I can handle for now. I loved that we had them over though. It was great." I smiled, agreeing with her before going to kiss her forehead softly. Just looking down into Gabby's eyes, I smiled as I went to push her chin up. Going to take it slow with her, I smiled because of how comfortable I was right now. "I love you." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I love you too and this is exactly what I want to do right now." I agreed.

"So are we taking her to the firehouse today?" Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I asked her that. "I like that idea. But she has to stay in her wrap." I nodded when she told me that. "I might get the rest of our things. We left some of it there." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I highly doubt that we are going to stay long anyways." I nodded and smiled at the idea that we were having of going to the forehouse. It just sounds right. They're our family and that's never going to change. "So, what are we going to do right now while we're still up?"

Gabby smiled when I asked her that. "Well, there's the option of us going to take a bath." I smiled when Gabby told me that because I really liked that idea. "Then how about you let me up and I can go run the bath for us?" Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. Rolling off my chest, Gabby smiled as she laid back and then looked at me. Going to get up, I looked down at Gabby and smiled at her. She looked great and I absolutely loved the fact that she was my wife. She's the love of my life and Gabby knows it. This is our life and I love it so far.

Going to walk around out bed, I smiled as I went to look at Gabby and then sat down on the edge of our bed so that I was right next to her

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Going to walk around out bed, I smiled as I went to look at Gabby and then sat down on the edge of our bed so that I was right next to her. Going to put my hand next to her, I just smiled because of how happy I was right now. I then proceeded to bend down and kiss her softly. Putting her hand on my chest, Gabby just smiled as I went to take it slow with her. "I love you." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I love you too. Now, can you go run the bath for me?" I smiled and agreed with her when she told me that, taking it nice and slow with her.

"I'm going to join you if that's ok." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Oh, I wouldn't expect anything less. I love it when we take baths and showers together." I smiled and just agreed with her when she told me that. Going to put my hand on her neck, I went to lean my forehead against hers. "So, how are you enjoying being a mom so far?" Gabby laughed and smiled when I said that. "Honestly, I love it. I especially love that we are together right now. Just being alone with you is exactly what I want right now." I smiled and agreed with her.

"Okay, so listen...I'm going to start the bath so that we can take one together. After that, we can just relax here in bed for a lil' while longer." Gabby shook her head. "Nope, we can go downstairs and make breakfast. And you can hold miss Sofia on your chest." I smiled and agreed with her. "Might as well practice carrying her since she' staying on my chest most of the day. Well, maybe except when our friends want to hold her." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Okay, can you just go start the shower now? I'm starting to get hungry." I agreed and smiled.

Going to grab Gabby's hand, I just smiled because of how happy I was right now. "You know that I love you right?" Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I love you too. But can you please go start the shower and I'll be right there." I smiled and agreed with Gabby when she told me that before going to put my hand on her neck. Bending down, I went to kiss her one last time and smiled as I went to take it nice and slow with her. "I love you." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "I love you too. Now, shower please!" I laughed and smiled as I got up.

Going to grab my towel, I smiled as I went to go grab my towel. Wrapping it around my waist, I smiled at Gabby before throwing her towel to her. She then went to catch it and just smiled at me. "See you in a bit." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I told her that. Flashing her a quick smile, I turned around and then went to walk away so that I could go start the shower.

Hitting Reset (AV) Season 1: Life with a NewbornWhere stories live. Discover now