Chapter Three: Sealed Doors

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Chapter 3: Sealed Doors

Nova doesn't know how long it's taken since he said farewell to Charon. The days had faded into weeks, which blurred into years after that. Time has no meaning.

Sure, Elysium is lovely, but every day feels the same. And the people were just marginally happier than the Asphodel residents. On the other hand, Nova was aware that things could be much worse. All he had to do now was wait it out. Maybe he'll see his parents again eventually.

He hoped not anytime soon.

He had gone into a phantom type of slumber at some point during his time in Elysium and dreamed about barbecuing with his family and friends, playing video games with his best friend, Davis, and listening to Mom sing lullabies to him, even though she hadn't done so since he was a child.

It was wonderful. But, like millions of others, he awoke one day.

He glances around him, confused, at the millions of other spirits in the Asphodel Fields, blinking in bewilderment.

He is perplexed as to why he's at this place. He swears he was just in Elysium

The souls next to him voice a similar perplexion. The ghosts are all shouting at each other, attempting to find out what is happening.

Nova notices the mist as he peers toward Elysium's location. It seems to encompass the whole of it, like a barrier of darkness. There is no way to return to it. What happened? Why is he suddenly in the Asphodel Fields?

He looks toward the gates of the Underworld as he slowly spins, examining everything that crosses his sight.

A sinking feeling confirms what he's thinking. Something isn't right. He pushes his way through wandering, disoriented spirits and makes it to the Underworld's entrance.

On closer inspection, he sees that the gates are locked. As far as he knows, the gates have never been shut throughout his time here. They've always been welcoming to newcomers. It's how people get into the Underworld in the first place. How are the dead supposed to get in now that it's closed?

Before Nova can fully process what is going on with the doors, a thundering voice fills the Underworld, resonating throughout the enormous field, causing a few stalactites to fall from the ceiling and skewer a few spirits. They vanish as soon as they collide. The souls who are struck are obviously startled, but they look uninjured.

"All spirits of the Underworld, pay attention!" A voice that sounds like an earthquake booming surrounds him, "My name is Erebus, God of Night and new ruler of the Underworld."

Nova frowns. A new ruler of the Underworld? That can't be good.

"I have overthrown Hades and taken this Kingdom as my own," Erebus says, his quaking voice causing spirits to tremble in dread around him. "Every soul in this damned place is under my command, and you will all obey my bidding."

Nova gazes around, trying to figure out where the voice is coming from. Before he can find the source, a black cloud emerges in front of the doors. As it dissipates, a man in an all-black suit appears in its place.

The man is pale, the same kind of paleness a corpse had. His black eyes and dark hair only highlight his deathly paleness. He's slim and tall, but it's not his outward appearance that causes Nova to freeze. The being's aura radiates force, wickedness, and wrath.

Nova tenses up. The man is peaceful now, but Nova knows he could vaporize every ghost in the place if he wants to.

When he first appeared, the field was silent; now, everyone is muttering in terror and worry at the sight of this man. Some are perplexed, but most seem to know who this individual was.

Nova's heart sinks. He's still not familiar with Greek mythology, but he knows that a god of darkness overthrowing the god of the Underworld isn't a good thing. He has a feeling that things are about to get much worse.

"You will all obey my commands, or you will be cast into Tartarus," Erebus says, smugly snapping his fingers.

A swarm of hellhounds surrounds him, their fiery eyes blazing with rage. They all growl at each other, waiting for their master's command. Nova had heard of hellhounds, but this is the first time he's seen them. They are supposed to stay in the punishment grounds or the royal room of Hades and Persephone.

Nova feels genuine fear for the first time since he died. He's never been so terrified in his life or death. He can't believe what's going on.

"Hellhounds," Erebus orders, snapping his fingers again, "round up the souls."

The snarling dogs that are bigger than bears snap out at the souls. They move in whispy darkness, their eyes glowing red. They move faster than cheetahs, their mouths striking out at all souls in their path.

The screams of the undead become the screams of the damned. Nova finds that he's started moving, trying to escape this Hell.

The hellhounds guide them to various locations, forcing large swaths of spirits to walk to multiple areas of the Underworld.

Some are led to a location where they work on making a splendid sword and armor for Erebus, while others are rounded up to serve as Erebus's entertainment or food bearers.

Nova's eyes open wide as a group of people try to attack back against the hellhounds. With the wave of Erebus's hands, they are turned into playthings for the hellhounds to bite and chew. It's a terrible sight. Nova is shocked to see Charon bound and left for the hellhounds to bite and snarl at.

Nova clenches his fists. This doesn't seem right. Someone needs to stand up to Erebus. He decides to free Erebus.

He runs in the opposite direction of the multitude of souls being led to the forge. Each bump into a spirit, each exclamation, only bolsters Nova's resolve.

Just as he's about to break through the crowd, a Confederate soldier cross-checks him. Nova slams into the ground, and a foot prevents him from moving.

Nova tries to contain his rage as he looks into the cold eyes of the Confederate soldier.

"Erebus commands us," the Confederate says, "You must obey."

"Of course, you would say that!" Nova snarls, "I bet this is just like the plantation!"

The soldier picked up his rifle and struck Nova in the chest. Nova doesn't know how, but the blow hurts. He feels the strength in his limbs wane. How is that possible? Isn't he a soul? How can he get tired or hurt?

The soldier scoffs and spits on Nova, "Listen, Possom, I'm sure you have Horse Sense when you're from, but I know your foolhardy flight is fixin' to get us all punished."

Two other souls nearby lift Nova to his feet. Nova looks at them. One is wearing a Nazi uniform, and the other is wearing a Klan hood.

"Let's take him away, boys," the Confederate soldier says as Nova is dragged away.

Nova's anger boils over. He's not going to let some racist thugs take him down. He tries to kick and move, but the Confederate soldier hits him in the head with the butt of his rifle.

Nova enters a dream-like state. He remembers Charon awkwardly patting him goodbye and his parents smiling at him. The face of the brown-haired girl in the pink dress flashes into his head.

Nova musters all the strength he has. With power greater than Hercules, he wrestles his arms free from the Nazis and the Clan member. The Confederate tries to hit him again, but Nova catches his rifle and ducks under him.

With a swift knee to the groin, Nova cripples the Confederate and hastily grabs the rifle. He starts running to the prison. He doesn't stop to look at the other two, but he hears their yells.

Nova doesn't know why the hellhounds can't find him. He doesn't know how he got away. But none of that matters. He needs to find Charon, free him, and fix this mess.

Before Nova takes three steps forward, blackness overtakes him.

Nova wakes up in the mines. A blaring headache tells him his valiant rescue has failed. He shakes his head and clenches his fists. Rough arms force him up, and Nova starts to work. As he breaks rocks, he ponders the situation. He doesn't know much about the Underworld, but he knows one thing: the Underworld is in chaos, and he will save it, no matter the consequences.

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