Chapter Eight: The Ice Giant

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Chapter 8: The Ice Giant

Rosetta is near Olympus; she can sense it. When she asks Dimi about it, he says it is a good sign. He confirms that demigods can feel magical energy, and Olympus radiates it more abundantly than any location.

Rosetta's feet and legs scream at her, so she decides they need a short break. Dimi eats some berries he had been carrying in a pouch while Rosetta eats a pop-tart she grabs from her bag.

They eat silently, but Rosetta feels prompted to say something to Dimi. A curdling of guilt pours through her veins. She opens her mouth for a full minute before she says something.

"I'm sorry about earlier." Rosetta says, "I get defensive when people ask about my Mom."

"You already apologized. " Dimi says, a small smile on his face, "Besides, you do not need to explain yourself to me. We are practically strangers, after all."

"And yet, you are helping me." Rosetta points out, looking into his eyes, "Why?"

"I feel a responsibility to help those in need." Dimi scratches his foot on the ground and rubs his beard, "Fauns are assigned to protect demigods once in a while, and I felt that you were important. I was told you will play a big part in the future."

Artemis mentioned how important she would be too. Is it possible that their mutual is Artemis? Rosetta wonders. If that's the case, why wouldn't he just say so?

"Artemis mentioned that, but she didn't explain what she meant." She mumbles, looking down. Everyone kept telling her that she had an incredible destiny. But Rosetta can't see what that is. Because the only fate she can see is the one she's planned out.

"I just want to save my Mom," Rosetta confesses, "That's the only thing I want in my future right now. I don't know about some great future I'm supposed to have. I'm just going to get my mother out of the Underworld. After that, maybe I'll go to college."

"What would you study?" Dimi asks after a moment of silence.

"What?" Rosetta asks, confused.

"You said you wished to go to school after your quest. " Dimi explains, "What would you study in college?"

"Oh, I'm not sure," she answers as she looks up above. It's a bright and clear day. For most, it would be breathtaking. But Rosette can only feel the building pressure of what's about to happen. The last thing she wants is to talk about the future.

After a minute, she finally answers, "My aunt is a nurse, and she thinks I should study medicine, but I don't know if that's for me."

"What about your mother?" He inquires curiously, "What did she major in?"

Rosetta looks at Dimi and smiles. No one ever asked questions about her mom. She thinks it's because they're afraid she'll lose it if they do so. But talking about her makes Rosetta feel more connected with her. It makes her feel alive still.

"My Mom didn't finish college. She got pregnant with me and had to take a break from getting her Bachelor's degree." Rosetta explains, "She was studying mythology and wanted to be a Professor at a University someday."

Dimi bleats, eating a few more berries, "Mythology? That seems like a peculiar interest."

Rosetta smiles and holds her legs together until she's sitting in a ball, "My mother always told me she was fascinated by myths and legends since the day she was born. I think it's why she dated Apollo for a short spell. My father called her a muse, but I don't remember her singing or writing poetry. All I can remember is her love. And not just for me but everyone."

Rosetta Dagotto and the Fight for the UnderworldWhere stories live. Discover now