Chapter Eleven: The Nymph's Warning

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Chapter 11: The Nymph's Warning

Climbing down the mountain is a lot easier than climbing up it. But Rosetta makes sure to be careful on the way down. The last thing she needs is to slip and roll down the mountain. Dimi doesn't talk much on the way down, which Rosetta is grateful for because it gives her more time to mull over what happened to Olympus.

She went there for a location and possibly to see her Father again. She hadn't expected to get assigned a world-changing quest. Now, she has to save Artemis, her Mom, and the Underworld. It's a lot of weight to have to rest on her shoulders.

Dimi slows down and walks beside her instead of ahead of her, "Are you all right, Rosetta?" He seems concerned by her silence.

"Yeah, I just have a lot on my mind," she explains.

"Yes, I believe you do." He agrees, nodding. "What they ask of you is a lot to ask of a god, let alone some demigod who has only known of her lineage for two years. But it also means they think you have the skill necessary to succeed.."

"So, what I'm hearing is, if I fail, they'll be disappointed in me," Rosetta says dryly.

"You won't fail, Rosetta Dagotto," he says, stopping. Rosetta takes a few more steps forward and looks at the faun.

Dimi's eyes are full of faith. "I trust you; the Olympians trust you. So, you should trust yourself."

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Rosetta gives him a tiny smile despite the wriggling nervous feeling in her stomach. Why is it that she feels more anxious now than she did before? It was easier when Rosetta was doing it for her Mom. Now she is doing this for the Olympian council and the entire Underworld. No pressure, right?

Rosetta sighs as they get to the bottom of the mountain. But she has no time to breathe. Because no sooner did she reenter the Denali woods than Dimi and her were interrupted.

It's a nymph. She wears a dress made of blossoms, and her feet are bare. She has long green hair that looks like flowers, and her skin is light green. Her eyes are brown, like the bark on a tree. Rosetta thinks she would be pretty if it weren't for the evil glare she gives them and the sharp pointed teeth.

"Excuse me. " Rosetta says, trying to remain passive, "If you don't mind stepping aside, we have somewhere we need to be heading."

"Yes, I know exactly where you are heading, Rosetta Dagotto," she speaks with a sweet voice but with vileness on her face.

"What is with everyone knowing my name?" She complains. "First the Olympians, then Dimi here, and now you; What the hell is going on here?"

The Nymph hisses at her. Rosetta wants to laugh. After taking down the Ice Giant, a walking bonfire waiting to happen isn't very threatening.

"You intend to visit the Underworld and free Artemis. We won't let you do that," the Nymph says.

"Who are we?" Rosetta smirks, "I only see you here."

"The army of Erebus, of course," she responds matter-of-factly.

"Wait, you work for the god of darkness?" Rosetta asks, hopefully without showing her surprise, "I thought Nymphs were good and in tune with nature. Why are you working with him?"

"He has promised me that my kind shall have all the forests and rivers that we could want," she says, "Humans have destroyed oceans, rivers, and forests with their pollution, wanton destruction, and recklessness. They have obliterated so many of our homes and murdered countless number of my sisters in their quest for development. Do you know what happens to a nymph if the tree burns?"

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