Chapter Four: The Quest Begins

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Chapter 4: The Quest Begins

Rosetta Dagotto packs up her belongings. The past two years have been challenging but rewarding. Since Apollo showed himself to her, she has dedicated every moment to learn about Greek mythology. She smiles as she remembers her journey. With a focused mindset, Rosetta had even graduated high school. Honestly, Rosetta wasn't sure if she needed to finish but did it anyway to prevent her Aunt and Uncle from following her. This journey will be difficult enough without the police chasing her as a runaway.

She kept her father's visit from her Aunt and Uncle and knows they have no idea of her plan to take a "sabbatical" before returning to school. She has more pressing matters than sitting at a desk for seven hours listening to a teacher drone on. She scribbles a hurried note on her desk, but they won't see it til they get home from work.

It's been two years since that fateful day. Two years since she felt her mother's warm and alive hand. Two years since her destiny was revealed to her.

She has been planning, training, and preparing for the past two years. Today is the day she starts to fulfill her father's prophecy. She will bring her mother back to the mortal world.

That is her goal, her quest, her mission. She must locate the portal to the Underworld and return her mother to the realm of the living. That's what Rosetta felt that day, that her father showed her. Josette, her mother, deserved to live. She was taken from this world far too young, a senseless act of violence that held no meaning. And Rosetta is determined to right the wrong. That's why she'd studied for the past two years after discovering her family's history.

Since Apollo exposed her to the world of Greek tales, Rosetta has met numerous fabled beings.

She has conversed with various nymphs, including tree nymphs, water nymphs, night nymphs, and so on. They proved tricky to find and even trickier to deal with.

Rosetta also encountered satyrs, centaurs, and a few lesser deities. Her fondest memory was meeting Calliope, the epic poetry muse. Her poems were epic, to say the least. She taught her how to write poems and assisted her in earning an A in English class.

She has been studying Greek mythology to the best of her ability and focusing on her athletic skills. A few days after Apollo departed, she began taking archery and self-defense classes.

Her Aunt Alice was concerned because she was afraid she would hurt herself. But her Uncle Jeremy persuaded her that being able to defend herself was a good idea.

It's time for her to use all of her knowledge and skills.

As Rosetta finishes packing, she hears the front door open downstairs and the sound of her aunt and uncle's voices. Rosetta grimaces. She had hoped to go before they got home from work, but it appears they got out early.

Rosetta feels butterflies due to being caught and being forced to say goodbye. Before she can figure out what to do, her Aunt Alice knocks on the door and enters. Rosetta's protest dies in her mouth as her pretty aunt walks in.

She has her brunette hair tied up in a bun and is still wearing her scrubs. Her brown eyes are set in an oval-tanned face that glitters glee as she lays eyes on the girl like a daughter to her. But that glee turns to concern when she spots all the packing she is doing.

"Rosetta, what are you doing?" Alice asks.

"I'm about to head out on a trip." She tells her aunt, smiling sheepishly. Ever since she met her father, Rosetta's found she's more inclined to speak the truth. "Remember when I told you I would take some time off after graduating?"

Her aunt's brows furrow. "Well, yes, but I assumed you would at least discuss it with us first before doing so."

Rosetta sighs. She knew this would happen. This is what happens when you don't tell the people closest to you what you're up to.

Rosetta Dagotto and the Fight for the UnderworldWhere stories live. Discover now