Chapter Eighteen: The Messenger

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Chapter 18: The Messenger

They leave Vancouver Public Library's warmth and enter Canada's cold air. Light snowflakes shake out like a giant salt shaker filled with snow. Rosetta is glad that their trip to the library wasn't completely useless. They may not have found a way to defeat Erebus, but they have a destination.

As Rosetta is thinking about what to do next, she realizes something. They can't take a plane to Colorado. It won't work for both of them.

"We can't fly to Colorado." She tells Nova.

"Well, I know that, and we weren't exactly born with wings." He laughs, "Unless you want to tell me something?"

"I meant that we can't take a plane from Vancouver to Canada, dummy." She rolls her eyes at him.

"Why not?" he asks.

"You need a passport," she says, "And I'm going to assume that you don't have one, right?"

Nova stops, a frown growing on his face. He folds his arm.

"What if we cross the border first?" he asks.

"Nope, same problem," She responds, brows furrowed in thought. "There has to be a way to get to Baskerville without going through a roll of red tape. These days people can't go anywhere without a form of identification."

"Psst, I think I can help with your problem." A guy wearing a UPS outfit whispers to them from nearby.

The guy looks about sixteen or seventeen with curly black hair, pointy ears, and a crooked grin on his feet. His eyes are light blue. They glint with mischief as if he was always thinking of pranks. He looks like an average teenager working a nine-to-five job except for one thing.

His winged sandals on his feet stand out, considering he was standing in the snow.

"Um, No, thank you," Nova says, super suspicious of this random dude. The last thing they need is weed. "We're fine. We don't need any help."

"Actually, Nova," He chuckles, "I believe you do."

"How do you know my name?" Nova demands to know.

"Nova" Rosetta hisses at him. "This is Hermes, the messenger god and the son of Zeus. Show him a little respect."

She turns to Hermes with a smile. "I'm sorry, Lord Hermes, he doesn't know a Greek god when he sees one. What were you saying about helping us?"

"It's alright," Hermes flashes his roguish grin. "He was raised as a mortal, so he can't be expected to know about all of us, cool gods and goddesses. Anyway, like I was saying, you two need transportation, and I can help you. After all, I am the god of travelers."

"I thought you were the messenger god," Nova asks, confused.

"I have many titles, my boy. My favorite is being the god of thieves. It makes me an excellent pickpocket." He tells them, pulling out a wallet.

"Speaking of, who wants this wallet?" Hermes laughs, "I picked it off a guy walking by a few minutes ago. I couldn't help it. He shouldn't have been distractedly talking on the phone. His loss"

Nova gives Hermes a dry look. Great. It looks like he's the god of assholes too.

"Um, no, thank you, Lord Hermes," Rosetta politely declines. "Anyway, you were talking about transportation."

"Ah, yes, of course." He laughs. "As I was saying, I can give you a mode of transport. I can give you both flying sandals as well as invisibility bracelets. While wearing them, you will be able to fly to Baskerville without the need for a plane or those pesky passports."

Rosetta Dagotto and the Fight for the UnderworldWhere stories live. Discover now