Chapter Twenty-Four: Back In The Underworld

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Chapter 24: Back In the Underworld

The revolt is still occurring in the Underworld, where hellhounds are being led by Cerberus, son of Echidna, to attack the souls in limbo at will. The zombie guards are also fighting the rebellious souls on the sacred grounds of the undead Fields of Asphodel with sounds of war that crash on one's ears like a sledgehammer to the eardrums. Erebus's black stygian iron throne is set up near the cracked doors of the Underworld.

Charon and Artemis are caged up beside it, with Charon on the right and Artemis on the left. The two had no clue where Erebus had gone. He said something about Echidna taking too long, and then he disappeared in a black cloud taking his dark energy with him.

"Why do you think Erebus left?" Charon asked Artemis, suspicion enveloping his voice.

"He mentioned Echidna before he disappeared." She responded head tilted thoughtfully. "Maybe he gave Echidna a job to do, and she failed him."

"What job could Echidna do for him?" He inquired. "Whatever it is, I'm sure he could do it himself."

"Erebus is egocentric. He is too proud to do manual labor himself, which is why he needs soldiers and monsters to do his work." She responded.

"How do you think Nova and Rosetta are faring?" Charon voiced his question. He had been concerned for them since they left. And he is sure that Artemis is worried for Rosetta's sake. She cares for her greatly to the point that she would destroy whoever caused her pain if anything happened to her.

"Rosetta is strong, and she can handle anything that life throws at her," Artemis stated fondly.

"With that bow and arrow, she will be able to take on any monster."

"Even Erebus," Charon says, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Erebus is a difficult god to defeat, but he also has a high temper," Artemis answered. "If Rosetta and Nova use that against him and work together, they should have a chance at defeating him."

"What if..." He hesitates.

"Echidna is a tough monster, and maybe the mission that he gave her is to destroy Nova and Rosetta," Charon explained.

"According to Lord Hades, there is a portal in Echidna's cave that leads to the Underworld."

"So, what you are saying is that you believe Rosetta and Nova went to this cave in the hopes of using the portal to get here?"

"That is my theory." He admits, but he looks even more concerned, brows furrowed and a frown on his face, "But if that is true, that means Rosetta and Nova are in trouble. If Echidna fails to do what he asked, then he will insist on doing it himself."

Artemis shakes the cage in frustration. "This is ridiculous! Rosetta is possibly going up against Echidna and Erebus, and here we are, stuck in cages like animals. We should be out there helping her."

"Did someone say help?" A voice speaks up from outside of the cage.

A familiar face had appeared carrying a set of keys that he most likely stole from one of the guards like Nova did previously.

Artemis recognized him instantly as the faun helping Rosetta up the mountain to Olympus before being killed by a traitorous nymph working for Erebus. His curly hair with horns sticking out of them is ruffled, and his hockey jersey is torn quite a bit. But he has a crooked grin on his face regardless.

"Hi! You probably don't know me, but my name is Dimi." Dimi explained. "I'm a friend of Rosetta's, and I'm here to help."

He gestured next to him where a woman was standing. Artemis just noticed that she was there, which is surprising because she knew exactly who that was. It's Josette Dagotto, Rosetta's mother and Apollo's ex-girlfriend. She had met her on occasion during their affair and had been present during the birth of her child.

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