Chapter Twenty-One: Echidna's Cave

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Chapter 21: Echidna's Cave

Rosetta and Nova finally make it to the chamber where Echidna's nest is amongst all the bones of her kills. It's a wide, open room that is dark and damp. The only light comes from a blue bonfire in the center of the room that somehow isn't making smoke rise into the air.

This area is a lot warmer than the rest of the cave. She doesn't know if she's relieved that Echidna isn't in here or worried because they don't know her location, and she could sneak up on them at any moment.

"Where do you think Echidna is?" Nova whispered, edging forward slowly and looking around the large chamber while avoiding stepping on a bone.

"I'm not sure," Rosetta responded just as softly. "Is there a chance she's been killed already? By another demigod."

"Maybe," He says, a bit doubtful. "But wouldn't the Sphinx have told us if she were already dead?"

"Not if she wasn't aware of Echidna's death," Rosetta theorized thoughtfully.

Rosetta slid her bow off her back and placed an arrow on the bowstring, keeping it ready just in case. Nova unsheathed his blade in response and stayed vigilant. They split up, exploring the chamber.

Nova finds some broken weapons here and there, most likely from demigods that Echidna has killed in the past.

Rosetta narrowed her eyes as she inspected the place closely. Looking for any sign of a portal, it's well hidden if it's here.

She has to hold back bile when she spots a human skull strewn on the floor. She looks away and takes a deep breath through her nose. Rosetta needs to stay calm regardless of what she sees here.

"Hey, Rosetta," He whispered from across the room.

She turned to see him standing there, looking around. He seems a bit concerned.

"What is it?" She spoke softly, worried.

"Does the hissing sound louder to you?" He inquired shakily.

Rosetta listened closely. Now that he said something and pointed it out, it does seem like it's increased in volume. Does that mean the snakes are getting closer?

But no, that's not what it is.

As she was about to respond to Nova's question, a figure appeared from one of the cavern passageways. The creepy-looking figure has a human head but a snake-like body. Her head has green skin and short straggly hair that looks like it's been hacked with a chainsaw.

Her tongue is forked and has sharp fangs instead of teeth. Her skin and eyes resemble reptiles as her eyes are sideways slits, and her skin is scaly.

Nova slowly edges closer to Rosetta, keeping his sword raised and ready. The hissing sound is coming from Echidna's throat as her tongue waggle, tasting the air.

"A demigod," Echidna hissed, chuckling softly. "In my home, how quaint."

The two remained quiet, not wanting to give her satisfaction.

"I love when dinner is delivered right to my door." She spoke, amused. "It makes it so much easier than having to hunt for me. And demigods taste so much better than sheep."

"Trust me," Nova told her. "You don't want to eat us, and we don't taste good."

"That's not true, mortal." She disagrees. "Demigods are quite the cuisine. I am curious, though, about what brings the two of you into my home. Only a fool would trespass on a monster's territory."

"We need to use a portal to get to the Underworld," Rosetta explained, hoping to get out of this alive. "We have it on good authority that it's here in your domain."

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