Chapter Fourteen: Entrance To the Underworld

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Chapter 14: Entrance to the Underworld

Nova and Charon have been discussing their plan to escape for the past half an hour or so. They determine they need to distract the zombie guards by causing a commotion with the hellhounds. From there, the guards, the Lieutenant, and Erebus will be too distracted to notice Nova freeing Charon. It's a classic diversion technique. One that Nova used when playing Metal Gear Solid.

Charon nods as Nova explains., "I see. It's similar to when prisoners start riots in the punishing fields to break a few souls out."

Nova blinks and looks at Charon. Wait, what?

"Has this," Nova asks, "happened before?"

Charon ignores his question, "Right now, Erebus is busy torturing souls and having fun doing it. This may be our only chance."

"Right," Nova says, "Hold tight. I'll get you out of here faster than you can say, Erebus."

"May the gods be with you, Nova McNaughton," Charon says, nodding at him.

Nova smirks, "Right now, all I need is the god of speed."

Nova works his way back to the fields unnoticed. He hopes Erebus will be too busy to see him start a riot. He slowly edges towards the nearest hellhounds and remembers Charon's warning.

"Once you anger the hellhounds," Charon says, his back against the bars, looking even more particularly beat up, "you have to get out of there. Otherwise, you'll be torn to shreds too."

Nova looks at the bear-sized hellhounds, his fear mounting. They're busy keeping an eye on the spirits nearby and don't notice him. He raises the metal objects in his hands. He slams them together, causing the hellhounds to jump in shock and run in the opposite direction, barking.

It's like dominos. After those hellhounds go insane, the rest start up too. One after the other, the crazy hellhounds cause the spirits to get antsy. They bump into one another until they are all in a jumbled mess.

Erebus attempts to control them, shouting over the noise, but nobody gets quiet. Everyone is freaking out, and the dogs keep barking, yelping, and screaming. The spirits start pushing each other, trying to escape the hellhounds. Erebus's voice is drowned out by the riot.

Not waiting to become a chew toy, Nova runs in the opposite direction. He sneaks up behind one of the guards, knocks him unconscious by smashing him in the head with his metal stick, and then steals his keys.

He returns to Charon, and Nova unlocks the cage and frees him. Charon stands up shakily. Nova, fearing he'll fall, grabs his arm.

"Thank you, lad," Charon says as he tries to stand up straight. Nova grimaces. Out of the cage, Charon looks even worse. It's like someone decided he was a punching bag. Charon tries to stretch but immediately falls over. Nova catches him.

"Hold on, big guy," Nova says, thankful that he can lift Charon's body, "Let's take it one step at a time."

Nova positions Charon such that his arm is draped around both of Nova's shoulders. Nova ignores Charon's weight, his determination pushing him on.

"I'm sorry," Charon says, shaking his head, "I fear I may be just a burden."

Nova furrows his brows, "What kind of talk is that? Without you, we wouldn't even have this opportunity in the first place."

"You're a good man, Nova McNaughton," Charon says, a disfigured smile on his face, "I am glad to be your friend."

Nova is touched by Charon's familiarity. He guesses it is true. They had become friends. Charon's words give him strength.

"Me too, buddy," Nova says, "Me too. Hang on, we'll get out of here yet."

No one notices the bloodied ferryman and the chestnut-haired ghost slowly limping toward the river Styx. Nova ignores the increasing screams from the souls, several of which sound like shouts of rebellion.

He swears he even hears someone shout, "Sic Semper Tyrannis!"

Nova helps Charon walk back to Charon's boat. They both can't believe their luck. Even the dock is unguarded. Nova helps Charon into the ship and climbs in himself. Nova picks up the oar and hands it to Charon.

"Can you row?" Nova asks, worried that in Charon's condition, he'll fall over and fall into the river Styx.

Nova watches as Charon seemingly transforms. He jumps to the back of the boat and leans into a stance that looks like he was made for.

A giant grin spreads across Charon's face.

"Lad he says," as he pushes off the dock, "If there's one thing I can do, it's row."

They sail down the purple river. To Nova, he still feels like it wants to grab him. And the mist that sits above the river tries to snatch him up.

Nova moves to the center of the boat, trying to avoid the gross river filled with dead bodies, and is relieved when they get to the other side.

For the first time in who knows how long, Nova is grateful for the darkness as they pass through the tunnel he first entered when he died.

As light breaks through, Nova feels like a giant weight has been lifted from his chest. They actually did it!

"You actually did it! You crazy son of a bi-"

He cuts his compliment short as he looks at the shore, and his eyes widen. Someone is already waiting there, a pretty woman with brunette hair, dazzling blue eyes, and skin that seems to glow even in the darkness. She radiates light and warmth. She reminds him of the sun. Or at least, she does until he notices the bow and quiver on her back and the axe on her belt loop.

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